Cut Through the Illusions and Face the Truth
The Suit of Swords symbolizes air, the domain of the mind, and the power of thought. These cards are all about logic, communication, analysis, and truth. They can also indicate conflict, struggle, or change. When you see a lot of Swords in your reading, it means you need to use your intellect and reason to solve your problems. You may also need to face harsh realities or make tough decisions.
But don’t be afraid of the Swords. They are not here to hurt you but to help you grow. They challenge you to be honest with yourself and others. They inspire you to speak your mind clearly and with confidence. They help you to cut through the illusions that cloud your judgment. They also encourage you to seek wisdom and knowledge from different sources and perspectives. The Swords can be your allies if you learn to wield them wisely.
Meaning of the Swords Tarot Cards
Meaning of Minor Arcana Cards in a Reading
Four suits — Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles — make up the 56 minor arcana cards. They are all about the everyday aspects of life, such as work, relationships, emotions, and actions. They show you what is happening in your current situation and how you can influence it. They also reflect your personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and potential.
The minor arcana cards are divided into numbered cards (Ace to Ten) and court cards (Page, Knight, Queen, and King). The numbered cards show you the different stages and cycles of a specific theme or energy. For example, the Ace of Swords is the beginning of a new idea or insight, while the Ten of Swords indicates the end of a painful situation or cycle. The court cards show you different aspects of yourself or other people in your life. They can represent your roles, attitudes, behaviors, or influences. For example, the Page of Swords is a curious and adventurous learner, while the King of Swords is a wise and authoritative leader.
The minor arcana cards are essential for a complete tarot reading. They give you more details and nuances about your situation and yourself. They also help you connect with your intuition and creativity. Finally, learning their meanings and messages can enrich your tarot practice and experience.