The King of Swords tarot card represents a clear-minded leader who values truth and justice. He is smart, powerful, and honest but also stern and demanding. He challenges you to use your intellect and authority wisely.

When the King of Swords tarot card appears in a reading, it suggests that you have the qualities of the King of Swords or that you need to embody them in some situation.
King of Swords Symbolism
The King of Swords tarot card shows a powerful and authoritative figure who represents intellect, logic, and justice. He is a master of communication and reasoning, and he can cut through any confusion or deception with his sharp mind and sword. He is fair and impartial, and he lives by his own high moral standards. He is also a leader who can inspire others with his wisdom and clarity. Let’s take a closer look at the symbols on this card and what they mean.
The sword is the main symbol of the King of Swords, and it represents his mental acuity, his ability to discern the truth, and his authority to make decisions. The sword is pointing upwards, indicating that he is ready to act on his principles and judgments. The sword is also leaning to the right, suggesting that he has a plan of action and a clear direction.
The throne is decorated with butterflies, crescent moons, and an angel. These symbols indicate that the King of Swords has transformed himself through his intellect and spiritual understanding. The butterflies represent metamorphosis and change, the crescent moons represent intuition and cycles, and the angel represents divine guidance and protection. The King of Swords is not only a rational thinker but also a visionary who can connect with higher realms of knowledge.
The cloak that the King of Swords wears is purple, which is a color of royalty, wisdom, and spirituality. It shows that he has a noble and compassionate nature and that he uses his power for good. He also has a blue tunic underneath, which is a color of communication, truth, and harmony. It shows that he expresses himself clearly and honestly and that he seeks to create balance and peace in his environment.
The sky behind the King of Swords is clear blue, which indicates that he has a calm and serene mind. He is not easily disturbed by emotions or distractions, and he can focus on his goals with clarity and confidence.
The trees in the background are still and upright, which reflects the King of Swords’ firmness and stability. He is not swayed by external influences or opinions, and he stands by his convictions. He is also a reliable and trustworthy person who can provide support and guidance to others.
The King of Swords reminds us to use our intellect, logic, and communication skills to solve problems, make decisions, and express ourselves. He also encourages us to be fair, honest, and ethical in our actions and to live up to our highest potential. He is a card of wisdom, leadership, and justice.
Quick Guide to King of Swords Tarot Card
Keywords Upright | Wisdom, Truth, Fairness, Logic, Strong morals, |
Keywords Reversed | Confusion, Coldness, Detachment |
Yes or No | Maybe |
Zodiac Sign | Libra |
Planet | Uranus |
Element | Air |
(As you peruse the meaning of the King of Swords tarot card in the different areas of your life, keep in mind that, as with all court cards, the qualities of the King of Swords tarot card could represent you or someone you know.)
King of Swords Upright
The King of Swords represents a powerful and authoritative figure who stands for logic, reason, and clarity. He has a sharp mind and a keen eye for detail. He can cut through confusion and ambiguity with his sword of truth. He is fair and impartial, and he expects honesty and integrity from others. He is also a master communicator who can express his ideas with eloquence and persuasion.
When the King of Swords appears in a reading, it suggests that you have the qualities of the King of Swords or that you need to embody them in a current situation. You may be called to make an important decision or judgment based on facts and evidence, not emotions or biases.
You may need to communicate clearly and effectively with others or to stand up for your beliefs and principles. You may also need to be more assertive and confident in your leadership skills or to seek the guidance of someone who has them.
The King of Swords also indicates that you have a strong sense of justice and morality. You value truth and fairness, and you do not tolerate dishonesty or corruption. You are willing to fight for what is right, even if it means going against the crowd or facing opposition. You are not afraid to speak your mind or to challenge the status quo. You are a visionary who can see the bigger picture and the long-term consequences of your actions.
The King of Swords can also signify that you are in a phase of intellectual growth and development. You may be pursuing higher education, learning new skills, or expanding your knowledge base. You may be interested in topics such as law, politics, science, philosophy, or spirituality.
You have a curious and analytical mind that enjoys solving problems and finding solutions. You are open to new perspectives and experiences that can enrich your understanding of yourself and the world.
The King of Swords tarot card represents wisdom, clarity, and authority. It invites you to use your mind as a tool for achieving your goals and fulfilling your potential. It also encourages you to be honest, ethical, and courageous in your dealings with others and with yourself. By doing so, you can become a respected and influential leader who inspires others with your vision and integrity.

King of Swords Reversed
The King of Swords reversed warns of the misuse or abuse of power and authority. It can indicate that someone is being manipulative, tyrannical, or dishonest. It can also suggest that someone is lacking in clarity, logic, or communication skills. It can represent a situation where there is confusion, deception, or injustice.
When the King of Swords appears reversed in a reading, it may indicate that you are dealing with someone who has the negative traits of the King of Swords reversed. This could be a boss, a partner, a parent, or a friend who is controlling, domineering, or untrustworthy. They may try to impose their will on you, lie to you, or take advantage of you. They may also be harsh, critical, or insensitive to your feelings. You may feel intimidated, oppressed, or betrayed by them.
Alternatively, the King of Swords reversed may reflect your own behavior or attitude. You may be acting in a way that is unfair, dishonest, or manipulative. You may be using your intellect or your position to get what you want, regardless of the consequences for others. You may also be avoiding responsibility, accountability, or confrontation. You may be hiding something, denying something, or rationalizing something.
The King of Swords tarot card reversed can suggest that you are having trouble with your mental faculties or your communication skills. You may be confused, indecisive, or irrational. You may have difficulty expressing yourself clearly or persuasively. You may also be closed-minded, stubborn, or dogmatic. You may be ignoring facts, evidence, or feedback that contradict your views. You may also be missing the big picture or the long-term implications of your actions.
The King of Swords reversed is a card that cautions you to be careful with how you use your power and your mind. It urges you to be honest, ethical, and respectful in your dealings with others and with yourself. It also encourages you to seek clarity, logic, and communication in your situations and decisions. By doing so, you can avoid the pitfalls of the King of Swords reversed and embrace the positive qualities of the King of Swords upright.
When King of Swords Shows up in a Love Reading
The King of Swords is a card that represents logic, reason, and clarity in matters of the heart. It can indicate that you or your partner are intelligent, honest, and fair. It can also suggest that you or your partner have strong communication skills, leadership abilities, and moral values. It can signify a relationship that is based on mutual respect, trust, and understanding.
When this card appears in a love reading, it can have different meanings depending on your situation.
If you are in an established relationship, it can indicate that you and your partner have a solid and stable bond that can withstand any challenges or conflicts. You may share similar goals, interests, and beliefs. You may also support each other’s growth and development. You may have a mature and rational approach to your relationship, and you may be able to resolve any issues with calmness and diplomacy.
When the King of Swords appears reversed in an established relationship, it can indicate that you and your partner have a rocky and unstable bond that is prone to conflicts or crises. You may have different goals, interests, or beliefs. You may also undermine each other’s growth and development. You may have an immature and irrational approach to your relationship, and you may be unable to resolve any issues with calmness and diplomacy.
If you are single, the King of Swords can indicate that you are looking for someone who has the qualities of the King of Swords or that you need to embody them yourself. You may be looking for someone who is smart, honest, and loyal. You may also be looking for someone who can communicate well, lead by example, and uphold high standards. You may need to be more confident, assertive, and clear about what you want and what you offer. You may also need to be more open-minded, flexible, and curious about others.
If the King of Swords shows up reversed and you are single, it can indicate that you are attracting someone who has the negative traits of the King of Swords reversed or that you are exhibiting them yourself. You may be attracting someone who is cold, dishonest, or disloyal. You may also be attracting someone who can’t communicate well, lead by example, or uphold high standards. You may need to be more careful, discerning, and clear about what you want and what you offer. You may also need to be more honest, ethical, and respectful with yourself and others.
If you are in a situationship, the King of Swords can indicate that you or your partner are being detached, aloof, or distant. You may be avoiding commitment, intimacy, or emotions. You may also be hiding something, lying about something, or manipulating something. You may need to be more honest, transparent, and respectful with each other. You may also need to be more expressive, affectionate, and compassionate with each other.
The King of Swords tarot card invites you to use your mind as a guide for your heart. It encourages you to be truthful, ethical, and courageous in your love life. It also reminds you to be communicative, supportive, and understanding with your partner or potential partner. By doing so, you can create a relationship that is fulfilling and meaningful for both of you.
When King of Swords Shows up in a Career/Money/Finance Reading
In a Career, Money, or Finance reading, the King of Swords can indicate that you or someone you work with are intelligent, honest, and fair. It can also suggest that you or someone you work with have strong communication skills, leadership abilities, and moral values. It can signify a situation that is based on facts, evidence, and justice.
When the King of Swords appears in a career, money, or finance reading, it can have different meanings depending on your situation.
If you are employed, it can indicate that you have a good reputation and a high position in your field. You may be respected and admired for your expertise, integrity, and professionalism. You may also be able to handle complex tasks and projects with ease and efficiency. You may have a clear vision and a strategic plan for your career goals.
If you are looking for a job, the King of Swords can indicate that you are well-qualified and well-prepared for the role you want. You may have a strong resume, a compelling cover letter, and a confident interview. You may also have a clear idea of what you expect and what you offer. You may be able to impress potential employers with your intelligence, honesty, and eloquence.
If you are self-employed or run a business, the King of Swords can indicate that you are successful and influential in your industry. You may have a loyal clientele, a solid reputation, and a competitive edge. You may also have a high standard of quality and ethics in your work. You may be able to communicate your vision and values effectively to your customers, partners, and employees.
If you are dealing with money or finance issues, the King of Swords can indicate that you are making smart and informed decisions. You may have a good understanding of your financial situation and your options. You may also have a realistic and rational approach to your budgeting, spending, saving, investing, or borrowing. You may be able to manage your money wisely and responsibly.
If the King of Swords turns up reversed in a career, money, or finance reading, it warns of the negative consequences of using your power and your mind in an unethical or irresponsible way. It can indicate that you are facing challenges or problems in your career, money, or finance matters due to your own or someone else’s dishonesty, manipulation, or incompetence.
The reversed King of Swords tarot card can also suggest that you are lacking clarity, logic, or communication skills in your work life. It can signify a situation that is confusing, unfair, or stressful. It urges you to be more truthful, ethical, and respectful in your dealings with yourself and others. It also encourages you to seek clarity, logic, and communication in your situations and decisions. By doing so, you can overcome the difficulties of the King of Swords reversed and achieve the success of the King of Swords upright.
The King of Swords invites you to use your mind as a tool for achieving your career, money, and financial goals. It encourages you to be truthful, ethical, and courageous in your work life. It also reminds you to be communicative, supportive, and understanding with your colleagues or clients. By doing so, you can create a situation that is fulfilling and rewarding for yourself and others.
When King of Swords Shows up in a Health Reading
When the King of Swords appears in a health reading, it can indicate that you have a good understanding of your body and your needs. You may be proactive and responsible in taking care of your health. You may also be able to communicate your concerns and preferences effectively to your healthcare providers. You may have a clear vision and a strategic plan for your health goals.
If you are ill or injured, the King of Swords can indicate that you are seeking or receiving the best possible treatment for your condition. You may be well-informed and well-prepared for your diagnosis, prognosis, and recovery. You may also be able to handle any challenges or complications with ease and efficiency. You may have a realistic and rational approach to your healing process, and you may be able to cope with any pain or discomfort with calmness and dignity.
If you are concerned about your health or someone else’s health, the King of Swords can indicate that you are doing or need to do some research or investigation to find out more information. You may need to consult a professional, get a second opinion, or do some tests or exams. You may also need to be more honest, transparent, and respectful with yourself or others about your health issues. You may need to be more assertive, confident, and clear about what you want and what you offer.
The King of Swords is a card that invites you to use your mind as a tool for achieving your health goals. It encourages you to be truthful, ethical, and courageous in your health matters. It also reminds you to be communicative, supportive, and understanding with yourself or others who are involved in your health situation. By doing so, you can create a situation that is fulfilling and rewarding for yourself and others.
When King of Swords Shows Up in a Yes or No Reading
When the King of Swords appears in a yes or no reading, it can have different meanings depending on your question and your situation. Generally speaking, the King of Swords tarot card leans more towards yes than no. It can indicate that the answer to your question is positive, affirmative, or favorable. It can also indicate that the answer to your question is clear, certain, or definite.
However, the King of Swords can also have some nuances or exceptions that may affect the answer to your question. For example, if your question is about something that requires emotion, intuition, or creativity, the King of Swords may not be the best card to answer it.
The King of Swords may also indicate that the answer to your question depends on some conditions or factors that you need to consider or clarify. The King of Swords may also indicate that the answer to your question is not what you expect or want to hear.
The King of Swords invites you to use your mind as a tool for finding the answer to your question. It encourages you to be truthful, ethical, and courageous in your yes or no matters. It also reminds you to be communicative, supportive, and understanding with yourself or others who are involved in your yes or no situation. By doing so, you can find the answer that is most accurate and appropriate for yourself and others.
Q1. What does the King of Swords mean?
The King of Swords tarot card means logic, reason, and clarity. It represents someone who is intelligent, honest, and fair. It also represents someone who has strong communication skills, leadership abilities, and moral values. It signifies a situation that is based on facts, evidence, and justice.
Q2. What does the King of Swords tarot card mean reversed?
The King of Swords reversed means that you or someone you know is being manipulative, tyrannical, or dishonest in some situations. It also means that you or someone you know is lacking in clarity, logic, or communication skills in some situations. It signifies a situation that is based on confusion, deception, or injustice.
Q3. Is the King of Swords a positive or negative card?
The King of Swords is generally seen as a positive card, representing wisdom, leadership, and fairness. However, in some situations, it can also indicate a rigid, unemotional approach that may need to be balanced with compassion.
Q4. What does it mean when the King of Swords appears in a reading with The Fool?
When the King of Swords appears together with The Fool tarot card in a reading, the message is to be fearless and open to new opportunities while also using your rational mind to make informed decisions. It may also suggest a need for you to be mindful of the potential risks involved in taking a new path and to carefully consider all factors before moving forward.
The King of Swords tarot card represents logic, rationality, and decision-making. He is a figure of authority and wisdom who is able to weigh up all the options before making a choice. He is analytical and clear-headed and speaks his truth with confidence and conviction.
The Fool represents new beginnings, unlimited potential, and taking a leap of faith. He is a carefree figure, walking towards the edge of a cliff without any concern for his safety. He represents a willingness to embrace the unknown and take risks, even if they are potentially dangerous or uncertain.
When these two appear together in a reading, it suggests a need to balance these two energies.
Alternatively, this combination may suggest that you are dealing with an authority figure who is open to new ideas and fresh perspectives. The King of Swords is often associated with the legal profession or similar roles, and so this combination could suggest that a legal matter may arise that requires a fresh approach or way of thinking.
Q5. What astrological sign is the King of Swords tarot card associated with?
The King of Swords is often associated with the astrological sign of Aquarius. This is because Aquarius is known for being innovative, intellectual, analytical, rational, independent thinking, and visionary leadership, which are all qualities that the King of Swords embodies. The humanitarian Aquarius also aligns with the King of Swords’ sense of justice.