The Three of Cups tarot card is a symbol of joyous celebration and success. It signifies a time of abundance, that your hard work has paid off and you have something to be proud of.

The Three of Cups tarot card is one of joy and celebration. It suggests that good times are ahead and that it is time to get ready to celebrate!
Three of Cups Symbolism
The symbolism of the Three of Cups tarot card is of joy, celebration, abundance, friendship and community. This card is often seen as a representation of emotional fulfillment, and of the joy that comes from shared success and friendship.
The three women dancing in a circle represent friendship, community, and collaboration. They are celebrating their emotional connection and mutual support. They also symbolize creativity and inspiration, as they work together towards a common goal.
The cups they hold up in the air signify emotional fulfillment and joy. They are toasting to their success and happiness, and sharing their feelings with each other.
The wreaths of flowers on their heads indicate victory and achievement. They have overcome challenges and reached a milestone in their lives. The flowers also suggest beauty, growth, and abundance.
The pumpkin and the fruit on the ground imply a harvest and a reward for their hard work. They are enjoying the fruits of their labor and the goodness of life.
Some interpret the colors of the dresses to correspond to the major arcana cards: Strength (white), Justice (red), and Temperance (white/orange). Red symbolizes love and passion, white symbolizes purity and innocence, and gold symbolizes wisdom and abundance. These colors also reflect the joyful and celebratory mood of the card.
The Three of Cups tarot card is a reminder to us of the joys of companionship and the rewards that come from working together. It is a reminder to us to celebrate our successes and to appreciate the people we share them with.
Quick Guide to Three of Cups Tarot Card
Keywords Upright | Abundance, Joy, Celebration, Friendship, Community |
Keywords Reversed | Disappointments, Delays, Indulgence, Loneliness, Miscommunication |
Yes or No | Yes |
Zodiac Sign | Cancer |
Planet | Mercury |
Element | Water |
Three of Cups Upright
The upright meaning of the Three of Cups tarot card is one of joy and celebration. It suggests that good times are ahead and that it is time to get ready to celebrate! This is a card of positive energy and happiness. It tells you that you have many reasons to be grateful and optimistic about your life. It also urges you to share your joy and creativity with others, and to enjoy the benefits of friendship and community.
The Three of Cups tarot card symbolizes the happiness that comes from sharing your life with others who understand and support you. Whether it is a reunion with an old friend, a family gathering, or a creative collaboration, the Three of Cups invites you to enjoy the company of those who make you feel good.
When you see this card upright, it may mean that you are in a sociable and festive mood. You may be planning or attending a party, a wedding, a birthday, or any other occasion that brings people together.
You are also open to expressing your emotions and creativity with others, and finding inspiration from their perspectives. The Three of Cups tarot card encourages you to celebrate your achievements and milestones with your loved ones, and to appreciate the bonds that you have formed.
The Three of Cups tarot card can also suggest a period of creative growth. By joining forces with others, you can tap into new heights of creativity. The Three of Cups also symbolizes a successful venture, so if you have been working on a project with someone, you can expect good news soon.
The Three of Cups tarot card also reminds you of the importance of having a circle of friends who can offer you love, compassion, and guidance. These are the people who cheer you up when you are down, who listen to your problems and offer solutions, who share your interests and passions, and who make you laugh and have fun.
Another aspect of the Three of Cups tarot card is the power of collaboration and teamwork. This card shows that when you work together with others who share your vision and enthusiasm, you can achieve great things. You can combine your talents and skills, learn from each other, and create something that is greater than the sum of its parts.
This card is a reminder that we are social creatures who thrive on connection and community, and that our relationships are a source of strength and support. So raise your glass, dance like no one’s watching, and savor the sweetness of life with those who matter most.

Three of Cups Reversed
When the Three of Cups tarot card appears in a reading reversed, it can be a sign of disappointment and lack of recognition.
You may feel that your hard work has gone unnoticed and unappreciated or that your efforts have been taken for granted. This could be in the form of a project you have worked hard on not being successful, or perhaps your team not getting the credit for a job well done.
In a career reading, the reversed Three of Cups warns that there could be a lack of motivation in the workplace. You may find yourself feeling uninspired and uncreative, and your work may suffer as a result. The Three of Cups tarot card reversed can also signify that you may not be getting the recognition you deserve for your efforts. If you have been working hard to move up in your career, you might be feeling unappreciated. This could lead to feelings of frustration and anger.
In a financial reading, the reversed Three of Cups tarot card suggests that there could be losses or delays in money coming in. This could be a result of not having access to the resources you need or not having enough people to help you with your project. It could also be a result of not being able to secure a loan or investment.
In a love reading, the reversed Three of Cups tarot card can be a sign of loneliness and disconnection. You may be feeling like your relationship is lacking in passion and joy. If you are single, it could signify that there is a lack of options in the dating pool. You may be feeling like there is no one out there for you, and that can be a lonely feeling.
In terms of friendships, the Three of Cups reversed can signify a lack of support and understanding. You may feel like the people around you don’t understand what you are going through. It could also signify that you are not getting the recognition you deserve from your friends.
In a health reading, the Three of Cups tarot card reversed can indicate that you may be feeling drained and exhausted. You may not have the energy or resources to take care of yourself. This could be a sign that you need to take better care of your physical and emotional well-being.
All in all, the Three of Cups tarot card reversed warns that you may not be getting the recognition or support you need in your life. Don’t be discouraged, however. The good news is that these feelings are temporary. With some hard work and dedication, you will be able to turn things around and reclaim your joy and success. So don’t give up, and keep pushing forward!
When Three of Cups Shows up in a Love Reading
When the Three of Cups tarot card shows up in a love reading, it is a sign of joy, celebration, and camaraderie. It is a reminder to look to the people you love and appreciate, and to celebrate the relationships you have with them.
If you are single, this card can indicate that you may find love through your social circle, or that an old flame may rekindle your romance. You may have many options to choose from, and you may enjoy dating and flirting with different people. This card can also suggest that you are happy and confident in your single status, and that you value your friendships more than romantic relationships at this time.
If you are in a relationship, the Three of Cups tarot card upright can mean that you and your partner are having a lot of fun together, and that you share a strong bond of friendship and affection. You may also enjoy socializing with other couples, or attending parties and events as a pair.
This card can also indicate that you are celebrating a milestone in your relationship, such as an engagement, a wedding, or an anniversary. The Three of Cups upright can also suggest that you and your partner are ready to take your relationship to the next level.
The Three of Cups tarot card upright is generally a positive card for love readings, as it shows that you have joy and harmony in your love life. It also encourages you to express your feelings and creativity with your partner or potential lover, and to enjoy the company of those who make you happy.
When Three of Cups Shows up in a Career/Money/Finance Reading
When the Three of Cups tarot card shows up in a career, money, or finance reading, it is a sign that good times are ahead. This card is all about celebration and joy, and it is a reminder that hard work and dedication pay off.
In a career reading, the Three of Cups tarot card foresees success in the form of a big contract, increased sales, or a promotion. It also suggests that your hard work and productivity will be recognized, and you will be rewarded for your efforts.
In a financial reading, the Three of Cups is a sign of commercial success. It indicates that investments and projects will soon bear fruit, and you can expect to see a positive return on your hard work. Furthermore, this card suggests that teaming up with others can open up new opportunities and increase your financial gain.
Overall, the Three of Cups is a card of joy and abundance, and it is a reminder that good times are ahead. So, get ready to celebrate!
When Three of Cups Shows up in a Health Reading
In a health reading, the Three of Cups tarot card is a very positive card that suggests good health and well-being. This card is associated with joy, celebration, and community, and can indicate that the you are experiencing a sense of vitality and energy.
Additionally, the Three of Cups may suggest that you are surrounded by a supportive community that is helping you to stay healthy and happy. This could be friends, family, healthcare providers, or any other group of people who are invested in the your well-being.
Emotional well-being is also important for good health, and the Three of Cups can be a sign that you are feeling positive and fulfilled in your personal life. This card suggests that you are connected to others and have a sense of purpose, which can promote positive mental health and reduce stress.
The Three of Cups can be also be a reminder to prioritize self-care and take time to celebrate your achievements and accomplishments. This could involve taking a break from work, indulging in a favorite activity, or simply spending time with loved ones.
Overall, the Three of Cups is a positive sign for health and well-being in a health reading. While every reading is unique and requires individual interpretation, this card suggests that you are in a good place physically and emotionally, and have a supportive network of friends and loved ones to help you stay healthy and happy.
When Three of Cups Shows up in a Yes or No Reading
In a yes or no reading, the Three of Cups upright usually means yes. It indicates a positive outcome, a celebration, a happy event, or a good connection with others. It also suggests that you are enjoying your life and having fun with your friends and family. This card can also mean yes to a question related to creativity, collaboration, or socializing.
Sometimes, this card may mean no if it implies excess, indulgence, or imbalance in your social life. For example, if you ask if you should stay home and study or go out and party, the Three of Cups may mean no to the latter option.
Therefore, it is important to consider the whole picture and not rely on a single card for a yes or no answer.
Q1. What zodiac sign is associated with the Three of Cups?
The Three of Cups is often associated with the zodiac sign of Cancer, which is known for its emotional depth and connection to family and community.
Q2. What are the most important card combinations with the Three of Cups?
When the Three of Cups and The Magician appear in a spread together, it is said that you will meet your soulmate.
When the Three of Cups and Strength appear together, it symbolizes that you are the heart of your social circle and should be mindful of your role in others’ lives.
When the Three of Cups and the Ace of Pentacles appear together, it symbolizes a new business relationship and financial success.
When the Three of Cups and the Knight of Cups appear together, it symbolizes a significant celebration in the form of a romantic gesture.
Q3. How can the Three of Cups tarot card be interpreted in a financial reading?
The Three of Cups can suggest financial success or abundance, particularly through joint ventures or collaborations with others. It may also indicate the importance of investing in experiences and relationships rather than solely focusing on material wealth.
Q4. How can the Three of Cups be interpreted in a spiritual reading?
In a spiritual sense, the Three of Cups is asking us to come together in perfect harmony. It encourages us to take a moment to reflect on what parts of ourselves are disconnected, and to work on piecing them back together.
The Three of Cups can also suggest a sense of spiritual fulfillment through connections with others, such as through a shared sense of purpose or a community focused on spiritual growth.
It may also indicate the importance of finding balance between socializing and inner reflection in one’s spiritual practice.
Q5. What are some affirmations for the Three of Cups tarot card?
Some affirmations for the Three of Cups are:
I celebrate my life with joy and gratitude.
I cherish my friends and family who support me and lift me up.
I express my creativity and emotions with others who inspire me.
I collaborate with others who share my vision and enthusiasm.
I enjoy the company of those who make me happy.