Discover the
Power of Tarot
Tarot is a lantern in the dark,
a guide to your heart
showing you the secrets of your soul,
the treasures you hold.
Not a fate you must obey,
but a friend along the way.
Have you ever wondered what tarot cards can reveal to you? Do you want to learn how to use this ancient, powerful tool for guidance, insight, and transformation? If so, you are in the right place!
Tarot is a powerful and ancient system of divination that can help you find guidance, clarity, and peace in your life. It is not a magic trick or a scam! Tarot cards are a tool that can help you connect with your intuition, your higher self, and the divine.
How does it work?
One of the most common questions people have about tarot is: How does it work? The answer is not simple because tarot works differently for different people and situations.
- Some people believe that tarot cards are influenced by the energy of the person who shuffles and draws them and that they reflect their subconscious thoughts and feelings.
- Some people believe that tarot cards are guided by the spirit world and that they communicate messages from angels, guides, or ancestors.
- Some people believe that tarot cards are based on synchronicity and that they reveal meaningful patterns and coincidences in the universe.
- I personally let go of needing to know how it works a long time ago because my experience shows me that it works — it’s like magic. Is it energy? Is it intent? IDK but I do believe our guides help us out when we pay attention, so, yeah, there’s my 2 cents!
Whatever you believe, the important thing is to approach Tarot with an open mind and a curious heart. Trying to predict the future or control the outcome with Tarot is a waste of precious time — just don’t!

It is a valuable use of your time to use Tarot to explore your situation’s possibilities and potentials. It’s also a great tool to help you gain a new perspective, discover hidden aspects of yourself, and make informed choices.
Tarot can also help you develop your intuition, creativity, and wisdom. How awesome is that!
Some basics to get started
A deck of tarot cards is a set of 78 cards used for divination and guidance. The deck has two groups of cards – the Major Arcana (22 cards) and the Minor Arcana (56 cards). The Minor Arcana cards are divided into four suits: Cups, Wands, Swords, and Pentacles.
Each card has a name, a number, and unique symbolism that can be interpreted differently depending on what you’re asking about and the reader’s intuition. The most common symbolism comes from the Rider Waite deck. Unless otherwise noted, the interpretations presented on Joyful Mystic are based on the Rider Waite symbolism.
Major Arcana
The Major Arcana cards represent major themes and life lessons, such as love, death, change, and spirituality. They are also known as the trumps or the keys of the tarot. They show us the various stages of our spiritual journey and self-awareness, from the innocent and adventurous Fool to the wise and enlightened World.
The Major Arcana cards are like milestones or checkpoints on our soul’s path, showing us where we are and what we need to learn.

Minor Arcana
The 56 cards of the Minor Arcana reflect the challenges and experiences of our everyday lives. I think of them as the here and now, mundane aspects of life. They also show us how to deal with these issues practically and positively.
The Minor Arcana cards are divided into four groups or suits: Cups, Pentacles, Swords, and Wands. Each suit represents a different aspect of our lives.
Suit of Cups
Cups are associated with Water, representing emotions, feelings, relationships, intuition, and creativity. They can indicate emotional situations, matters of the heart, how you feel about yourself, and how others feel about you.
Suit of Wands
Wands are associated with Fire, representing primal energy, spirituality, inspiration, determination, intuition, creativity, ambition, and expansion. They reflect what motivates and energizes us at the core of our being.
Suit of Swords
Swords are associated with the Air element, representing intellect, action, power, and change. They reflect how we deal with the intellectual level of consciousness, such as thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and conflicts.
Suit of Pentacles
Pentacles are associated with the Earth element, representing material, physical, and practical aspects of life. They reflect how we deal with the external level of consciousness, such as health, finances, work, and creativity.

What next?
Using your intuition when interpreting tarot cards can enhance the reading and make it more personal and meaningful. Intuition is the ability to access inner wisdom and guidance that goes beyond the rational mind. It can help you connect with the more profound messages and symbols of the cards, as well as your feelings and insights. Intuition can also help you trust your judgment and avoid relying too much on external sources or rules. Finally, you can create a more authentic and empowering tarot experience using your intuition.
Of course, using intuition in tarot reading doesn’t mean you disregard the cards’ meanings altogether. Learning the meanings of the cards is the foundation of any tarot practice. They provide a framework and structure for understanding the messages of the cards.
Learning the cards’ meanings can enrich your tarot knowledge and enhance your intuition. The cards’ meanings are not fixed or rigid but flexible and adaptable. They are not rules but suggestions. They are not the final answer but the beginning of a conversation.