The Three of Swords tarot card indicates a sudden and unexpected blow to your emotions, and it often foretells the sudden loss of a relationship or the end of an important situation, such as a job.

The Three of Swords is also a card of resolution and recovery. The three swords represent the mental clarity and insight that you need to deal with your situation and find a solution.
Three of Swords Symbolism
The Three of Swords tarot card is one of the most painful and challenging cards in the deck, representing heartbreak, emotional pain, sorrow, grief, and hurt. But what do the symbols on the card mean? Let’s take a closer look.
The most obvious symbol on the card is the heart that is pierced by three swords. The heart is a symbol of the element of water, which is associated with emotions, feelings, intuition, and relationships. The heart also represents love, compassion, and empathy.
This heart is wounded by the swords, indicating that you have been hurt by someone or something that you care about. You may have experienced a loss, a betrayal, a separation, or a disappointment. You are feeling sad, lonely, and broken.
The swords are a symbol of the element of air, which is associated with the mind, intellect, communication, and logic. The swords also represent clarity, truth, justice, and courage. The swords are piercing the heart from different angles, suggesting that you have been hurt by words, actions, and intentions. You may have been lied to, cheated on, or misunderstood. You are feeling angry, resentful, and bitter.
The background of the card shows a stormy sky with dark clouds and rain. The sky is a symbol of the element of air as well, but in this case, it represents the negative aspects of it. The sky also represents the higher realms, the divine plan, and the cosmic order. The sky is stormy and gloomy, indicating that you are going through a difficult time and feeling hopeless and depressed. You may feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel or that things are out of your control.
However, there is a silver lining to this card. The number 3 in numerology represents creativity, growth, and expression. The three also represents the holy trinity of body-mind-spirit or father-son-holy spirit. This suggests that you have the ability to heal from this pain and transform it into something positive.
You can use your creativity to express your feelings and release them. You can also grow from this experience and learn from your mistakes. You can connect with your spirit and find meaning and purpose in your life.
The Three of Swords tarot card is not an easy card to deal with, but it is not a permanent state either. It is a reminder that pain is a part of life and that it can make us stronger and wiser. It is also a reminder that we are not alone in our suffering and that we can find support and comfort from others who understand us. It is a card of healing and hope.
Quick Guide to Three of Swords Tarot Card
Keywords Upright | Sudden loss, Betrayal, Heartache, Separation, Grief, Sorrow |
Keywords Reversed | Moving on, Forgiving, Letting go |
Yes or No | No |
Zodiac Sign | Libra |
Planet | Saturn |
Element | Air |
Three of Swords Upright
When the Three of Swords appears upright, it means that you are going through a hard time emotionally. You may have experienced a loss, a betrayal, a separation, or a disappointment that has left you feeling sad, lonely, and broken.
You may be feeling angry, resentful, and bitter towards the person or situation that caused you this pain. You may also be feeling hopeless and depressed as if there is no way out of this misery.
The Three of Swords is not a card to sugarcoat or ignore. This card asks you to face your feelings and deal with them honestly and openly. It tells you that you need to heal from this wound and move on with your life.
The Three of Swords encourages you to seek help and support from others who can empathize with you and comfort you. It reminds you that you are not alone in your suffering and that there is always hope for the future.
The Three of Swords also symbolizes learning and growth. It tells you that you can use this pain as a catalyst for positive change and transformation. It reminds you that you can learn from this experience and become stronger and wiser. You can find meaning and purpose in your life despite this hardship. The Three of Swords encourages you to turn this negative into a positive.
The Three of Swords is not an easy card to deal with, but it is not a permanent state either. A card of healing and hope, the Three of Swords tells you that this too shall pass and that better days are ahead. You have the power to overcome this challenge and create your own happiness.

Three of Swords Reversed
The Three of Swords is often associated with pain, sorrow, and heartbreak, but what does it mean when it is upside down?
The reversed Three of Swords can indicate that you are moving past a painful experience and healing your wounds. You may be ready to forgive yourself or someone else who hurt you and let go of the resentment and bitterness. You are learning from your mistakes and growing as a person. You are also opening your heart to love and compassion again.
Reversed, the Three of Swords can also suggest that you are improving your communication skills and resolving conflicts with others. Perhaps you are able to express your feelings more clearly and honestly without hurting anyone’s feelings. You may also be able to listen more empathetically and understand other people’s perspectives. You are also finding common ground and harmony with those around you.
On the other hand, the reversed Three of Swords tarot card can also warn you that you are not facing your pain and problems head-on. You may be in denial about the reality of your situation and avoiding the truth. You may be suppressing your emotions and pretending that everything is fine. You may also be holding on to grudges and resentment, refusing to forgive or move on. This can prevent you from healing and growing.
As you can see, the reversed Three of Swords is a complex card that can have both positive and negative implications. The key is to be honest with yourself and others and to seek help if you need it. Remember that pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional. You have the power to heal your heart and find peace within yourself.
When Three of Swords Shows Up in a Love Reading
The Rider Waite Three of Swords tarot card is one of the most dreaded cards in the deck. It depicts a heart pierced by three swords, symbolizing heartbreak, pain, and sorrow. When this card appears in a love reading, it usually indicates that something is wrong in your relationship.
You may be experiencing separation, sadness, rejection, or betrayal. Perhaps you have discovered a painful truth about your partner, such as cheating, or you have been stabbed in the back by someone you trusted. You may feel lonely, isolated, and lost as if your world has been turned upside down.
But don’t despair, my dear. The Three of Swords is not a card of doom and gloom. It is a card of healing and transformation. The Three Swords tarot card reminds you that you have access to the logic and clarity that you need to face your situation and overcome it.
The heart represents the love and beauty that still exist within you and around you. The clouds and rain represent the cleansing and release of your emotions. You may be going through a storm right now, but remember that every cloud has a silver lining.
The Three of Swords tarot card supports learning and growth. It teaches you to forgive yourself and others, to let go of the past, and to move on with your life. It also shows you that you are stronger than you think and that you can survive any challenge that comes your way. The Three of Swords tarot card represents opportunity and change. It opens your eyes to new possibilities and perspectives, and it encourages you to follow your heart and pursue your dreams.
So don’t be afraid of the Three of Swords, my dear. It is a card of wisdom and courage. It may hurt for a while, but it will also heal you and make you whole again. Remember that everything happens for a reason and that this, too, shall pass. Trust in the universe, trust in yourself and trust in love. You are not alone, my dear. You are loved.
When Three of Swords Shows Up in a Career/Money/Finance Reading
The Three of Swords tarot card is not a card that you want to see in a career/money/finance reading. It indicates that you may be facing some problems, difficulties, or losses in your work or financial situation.
You may have been hurt, disappointed, or betrayed by someone at your workplace, such as a boss, a colleague, or a client. You may have received some disturbing news about your job or income, such as a layoff, a pay cut, or a debt. You may feel stressed, anxious, or depressed about your career or money prospects.
But don’t lose hope, my dear. The Three of Swords is also a card of resolution and recovery. The three swords represent the mental clarity and insight that you need to deal with your situation and find a solution. The heart represents the passion and purpose that still drive you and motivate you. The clouds and rain represent the purification and renewal of your energy and attitude. You may be going through a rough patch right now, but remember that every challenge is an opportunity.
The Three of Swords symbolizes action and change. It urges you to face your problems head-on, to seek help if you need it, and to take steps to improve your situation. It also encourages you to learn from your mistakes, to forgive yourself and others, and to let go of the past.
The Three of Swords represents growth and transformation. It shows you that you are capable and resilient and that you can overcome any obstacle that comes your way. The Three of Swords brings hope and courage. It opens your eyes to new possibilities and opportunities, and it inspires you to follow your dreams and pursue your goals.
The Three of Swords is not a card to fear but to embrace. It is a card of wisdom and strength forged by the fire of pain. It may wound you for a moment, but it will also heal you and make you grow. Remember that everything has a purpose and that nothing lasts forever. Have faith in the universe, have faith in yourself, and have faith in your potential.
When Three of Swords Shows Up in a Health Reading
When the Three of Swords shows up in a health reading, it can indicate that your physical health is affected by your emotional state. You may be suffering from stress, anxiety, depression, or grief that is taking a toll on your body. You may have trouble sleeping, eating, or relaxing. You may also be prone to illnesses or injuries that reflect your inner turmoil.
The Three of Swords tarot card can also suggest that you need to take care of your heart health. You may have a risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, or cholesterol. You may need to monitor your diet, exercise, and lifestyle habits to prevent any complications. You may also need to consult a doctor or a specialist for a check-up or a second opinion.
The Three of Swords can also warn you to avoid any vices or habits that can harm your health. You may be tempted to smoke, drink, or use drugs to cope with your emotional pain. You may also be engaging in self-harm or suicidal thoughts. These are not healthy ways to deal with your feelings, and they will only make things worse.
The Three of Swords can also advise you to heal your emotional wounds and release your negative emotions. It’s time to face the source of your pain and confront it head-on. Forgive yourself and others for what happened. It may help to seek professional help or counseling if you are struggling. It may also be helpful to find healthy outlets for your emotions, such as art, music, meditation, or therapy.
The Three of Swords is not an easy card to deal with, but it is not hopeless either. It shows you that you have the power to overcome your challenges and heal your heart. It reminds you that you are not alone and that there is always hope for better health and a better future.
When Three of Swords Shows Up in a Yes or No Reading
When the Three of Swords appears in a yes or no reading, it means that the answer to your question is a resounding “no.” This card is a warning that the path you are currently on will cause heartache and pain. Unfortunately, this card indicates that the best course of action is to get out now and save yourself the grief. While it may be difficult to accept, it is ultimately in your best interest to make a clean break. If you are in doubt, take a step back and reassess the situation.
Q1. Does the Three of Swords tarot card mean break-up?
The Three of Swords can indicate a break-up, divorce, or separation in a love reading. It represents the pain and sorrow that comes from losing someone you loved or trusted. It can also signify betrayal, infidelity, or interference from a third party
Q2. What does Three of Swords reversed mean?
When pulled reversed or upside down, the Three of Swords generally represents a ‘yes’ answer to your question. The Three of Swords indicates a strong sense of healing and renewal. Even though some challenging events of the past may still linger, exciting times are ahead
Q3. How can I heal from the Three of Swords?
The Three of Swords advises you to let yourself feel your emotions and process them in a healthy way. Don’t try to suppress or deny your pain, but don’t let it consume you either. Find ways to heal your wounds and release your negativity. Seek support from people who care about you and can offer you comfort and guidance.
The Three of Swords also reminds you that this, too, shall pass. Even though you may feel like your heart is broken, it is still strong and resilient. You have the power to overcome this difficult time and move on to better things. There is always hope and light at the end of the tunnel.
Q4. What does the Three of Swords mean when it appears in a reading with the Ten of Cups card?
The Three of Swords and the Ten of Cups are two very different cards that can have different meanings depending on the context of the reading. In general, the Three of Swords represents heartbreak, emotional pain, sorrow, grief, and hurt, while the Ten of Cups represents happiness, harmony, fulfillment, emotional stability, and security, especially in your relationships and family.
When these two cards appear together in a reading, they can indicate a contrast or a balance between these two opposite states of emotion. For example, they could mean that:
● You are going through a difficult time of loss or betrayal, but you have the support and love of your family and friends to help you heal and recover.
● You have experienced a lot of pain and sorrow in the past, but now you have found true happiness and peace with your partner or soulmate.
● You are happy and content with your family life, but there is a hidden or unresolved issue that is causing you or someone else emotional distress.
● You are feeling conflicted or torn between two different paths or choices that could affect your emotional well-being and your relationships.
The meaning of these cards can also vary depending on their position and orientation in the spread. For instance, if the Three of Swords is reversed, it could suggest that you are releasing pain, healing, forgiving, or being optimistic. If the Ten of Cups is reversed, it could imply that you are disconnected, misaligned, struggling, or isolated in your relationships or family.
Ultimately, the interpretation of these cards depends on your intuition and personal situation. You may want to ask yourself some questions to clarify their meaning for you:
● What is the source of your pain or happiness?
● How are you coping with your emotions?
● How are your relationships affected by your emotions?
● What do you need to heal or celebrate?
● What can you learn from this experience?
Q5. Can the Three of Swords indicate positive change?
Yes, the Three of Swords can indicate a necessary period of pain and healing that ultimately leads to positive change and growth. It can signify the end of a toxic relationship or situation, leading to a healthier and happier future.