The Seven of Swords tarot card can represent the need to be clever and resourceful in order to get ahead. However, it can also indicate deception and betrayal. It comes with a warning to be wary of wolves in sheep’s clothing and to be aware of any hidden agendas that someone may have.

But be careful because the Seven of Swords also warns you of the potential pitfalls of being too cunning or dishonest. Your actions could hurt someone else or yourself in the process.
Seven of Swords Symbolism
The Seven of Swords depicts a man sneaking away from a camp with five swords in his hands while two more swords remain behind him. He looks over his shoulder with a smirk as if he has just pulled off a clever heist. But what does this scene reveal about the message of the card?
One of the most obvious symbols on the Seven of Swords is the number seven itself. In numerology, seven represents wisdom, intuition, and spiritual insight. It also signifies mystery, secrecy, and deception. The seven swords suggest that the man is using his mental abilities to achieve his goals, but he may also be hiding something or lying to himself or others.
Another symbol on the card is the color yellow, which dominates the background and the man’s clothing. Yellow is the color of intellect, logic, and communication. It also represents optimism, confidence, and creativity. The yellow sky implies that the man is acting in broad daylight without fear of being caught or exposed. The yellow cloak and boots suggest that he is clever, charismatic, and inventive. He may have a gift for persuasion or storytelling, but he may also use his words to manipulate or deceive.
The military camp in the background is another symbol on the card. It represents authority, order, and discipline. It also signifies conformity, loyalty, and teamwork. The man is clearly going against the rules and norms of the camp, as he steals their weapons and leaves them vulnerable. He may be acting out of self-interest, rebellion, or curiosity. He may have a different vision or agenda than the rest of the group, or he may simply enjoy the thrill of breaking free.
The final symbol on the card is the position of the swords. The man holds five swords in his hands while two more swords remain on the ground behind him. This implies that he has not taken everything he could have or that he has left something behind. He may have missed an opportunity or made a mistake. He may have underestimated his opponents or overestimated his own abilities. He may also have a hidden motive or a plan that is not yet revealed.
The Seven of Swords challenges you to look beyond the surface and discover the deeper meanings behind your actions and choices. It asks you to examine your motives and intentions and to be honest with yourself and others. It warns you of the potential consequences of deception, betrayal, or theft. It also encourages you to use your intellect, creativity, and intuition to find your own path and express your individuality.
Quick Guide to Seven of Swords Tarot Card
Keywords Upright | Deception, Manipulation, Betrayal, Cunning, Cleverness |
Keywords Reversed | Revelation, Accountability, Integrity, Courage, Uncovering Secrets |
Yes or No | Yes, with caution |
Zodiac Sign | Aquarius |
Planet | Moon |
Element | Air |
Seven of Swords Upright
When you pull the Seven of Swords upright, it shows up in your reading to remind you that you are a smart, creative, and independent person. You have a knack for finding clever solutions to tricky problems, and you know how to think outside the box. You are not afraid to take risks or challenge the status quo, and you enjoy exploring new possibilities and perspectives.
The Seven of Swords also tells you that sometimes you need to be sneaky or strategic to get what you want. To achieve your goals, you might have to bend the rules or go behind someone’s back. Lying, cheating, or stealing could be part of your strategy. Acting on your own, without consulting others or seeking their approval, might be necessary. Keeping your plans or intentions secret, or hiding some aspects of yourself from others, might be wise.
But be careful because the Seven of Swords upright also warns you of the potential pitfalls of being too cunning or dishonest. Your actions could hurt someone else or yourself in the process. Others or yourself could lose trust or respect for you. You could face consequences or backlash for your actions. Something important or valuable could be missed out on by you. You could regret your choices or feel guilty about them.
So how do you balance your cleverness and creativity with your integrity and ethics? How do you use your intelligence and individuality for good and not evil? How do you avoid being caught or exposed? How do you know when to be sneaky and when to be honest?
The answer is to listen to your intuition and follow your heart. The Seven of Swords invites you to be true to yourself and your vision but also to be mindful of how your actions affect others and yourself. It encourages you to be adventurous and curious but also to be responsible and respectful. It challenges you to be original and innovative but also to be authentic and ethical.
The Seven of Swords upright is a card of smartness, creativity, and independence. It is also a card of sneakiness, deception, and betrayal. It is up to you to decide how you want to use these qualities in your life.

Seven of Swords Reversed
The Seven of Swords tarot card shows up Reversed in your reading to remind you that you are a brave, honest, and loyal person. You have a strong sense of integrity and ethics, and you know how to act with honor and respect. You are not afraid to face the truth or admit your mistakes, and you enjoy learning from your experiences and growing as a person.
The Seven of Swords Reversed also tells you that sometimes you need to be open or cooperative to get what you want. To achieve your goals, you might have to follow the rules or work with others. Being truthful, fair, or generous could be part of your strategy. Seeking advice or feedback from others, or giving them your approval, might be necessary. Sharing your plans or intentions with others, or revealing some aspects of yourself to others, might be wise. Be a team player.
But be careful because the Seven of Swords Reversed also warns you of the potential pitfalls of being too naive or trusting. Your actions could be exploited by someone else or yourself in the process. Others or yourself could take advantage of you or betray you. You could face disappointment or regret for your actions. Something important or valuable could be lost by you. You could feel guilty or ashamed about your choices. You are basically vulnerable.
So how do you balance your bravery and honesty with your caution and discernment? How do you use your integrity and loyalty for good and not evil? How do you avoid being fooled or exposed? How do you know when to be open and when to be discreet?
The answer is to listen to your intuition and follow your heart. The Seven of Swords Reversed invites you to be true to yourself and your values but also to be mindful of how your actions affect others and yourself. It encourages you to be courageous and sincere but also to be careful and wise. It challenges you to be honorable and respectful but also to be assertive and confident.
The Seven of Swords Reversed is a card of bravery, honesty, and loyalty. It is also a card of naivety, trust, and vulnerability. It is up to you to decide how you want to use these qualities in your life. Let your bright light shine!
When Seven of Swords Shows Up in a Love Reading
The Seven of Swords depicts a cunning man who has stolen five swords from a military camp and is running away with them. He glances back with a smug expression as if he has outsmarted his enemies. But what does this card mean for your love life?
The Seven of Swords tarot card can have different meanings depending on your relationship status and situation. However, some common themes are deception, betrayal, dishonesty, manipulation, and secrecy. This card suggests that there is something shady or hidden going on in your love life, and you need to be aware of it.
If you are in a relationship, the Seven of Swords could mean that your partner is not being faithful or honest with you and may be cheating or lying to you. It could also mean that you are the one who is being unfaithful or dishonest with your partner, and you are trying to get away with it. Either way, the Seven of Swords warns you that your actions have consequences, and sooner or later, the truth will come out.
If you are single, the Seven of Swords tarot card could mean that you are involved in a casual or secret affair with someone who is already in a relationship or someone who is not good for you. It could also mean that you are playing games or manipulating others to get what you want in love without caring about their feelings. The Seven of Swords tarot card advises you to be careful not to hurt yourself or others and to respect yourself and others.
If you are in a situationship, the Seven of Swords could mean that you or the other person are not clear about your intentions or expectations, and you are keeping each other in the dark. It could also mean that you or the other person are avoiding commitment or responsibility for your relationship and you are trying to escape from reality. The Seven of Swords urges you to be honest and transparent with yourself and the other person and to decide what you really want.
The Seven of Swords is not always a bad card, though. Sometimes, it can represent a clever strategy or a creative solution to a problem. It can also signify that you are an independent thinker who does not follow the crowd or the rules. You may bring unique perspectives or a rebellious streak into your relationship that makes you exciting and different from others.
The Seven of Swords tarot card invites you to examine your motives and actions in your love life. It challenges you to be authentic and transparent with yourself and others. It also encourages you to be smart and resourceful when facing difficulties or obstacles. Remember: every love story has its twists and turns, but honesty and trust are the keys to lasting happiness.
When Seven of Swords Shows Up in a Career/Money/Finance Reading
The Seven of Swords is a tricky card that often shows up in a career and money when you are facing some challenges or dilemmas in your work or financial life. It can indicate that you are trying to get away with something or that someone else is being dishonest or sneaky with you. Either way, this card warns you to be careful and alert, as things may not be as they seem.
One possible meaning of the Seven of Swords is that you are tempted to cut corners, cheat, or steal in order to achieve your goals. Maybe you are thinking of lying on your resume, plagiarizing someone else’s work, or taking credit for something you didn’t do. Or maybe you are considering skipping a payment, hiding some income, or gambling with money you can’t afford to lose.
While these actions may seem tempting in the short term, they will likely backfire in the long run. The Seven of Swords suggests that you will not be able to escape the consequences of your actions and that you may end up losing more than you gain. Therefore, this card advises you to act with integrity and honesty and to avoid any shady or unethical behavior.
Another possible meaning of the Seven of Swords is that someone else is deceiving you or taking advantage of you in your career or financial matters. Maybe you have a coworker who is stealing your ideas, a boss who is exploiting your work, or a client who is not paying you what you deserve.
Or maybe you have a partner who is hiding something from you, a friend who is borrowing money without paying it back, or a scammer who is trying to trick you into giving them your personal information.
Whatever the case may be, the Seven of Swords warns you to be wary and vigilant and to protect yourself from any potential harm. Therefore, this card advises you to do your research, check the facts, and trust your intuition. Don’t let anyone fool you or take advantage of you.
The Seven of Swords is not all doom and gloom, though. It can also have a positive meaning, depending on the context and your perspective. Sometimes, this card can indicate that you are being smart and strategic in your career or financial decisions. Maybe you are planning ahead, thinking outside the box, or finding creative solutions to your problems.
Or maybe you are being flexible, adaptable, or resourceful in dealing with changing circumstances. In these cases, the Seven of Swords can suggest that you are using your wit and intelligence to overcome any obstacles and achieve your goals. Therefore, this card encourages you to keep up the good work and to trust your skills and abilities.
The Seven of Swords invites you to examine your motives and actions in your work or financial life. It asks you to be honest with yourself and others and to avoid any dishonesty or deception. It also asks you to be careful and alert and to protect yourself from any potential harm. At the same time, it asks you to be smart and strategic and to use your wit and intelligence to achieve your goals. By doing so, you will be able to navigate any challenges or dilemmas that may arise in your career or money matters.
When Seven of Swords Shows Up in a Health Reading
The Seven of Swords tarot card may show up in a health reading when you are dealing with some issues or concerns related to your health or well-being. It can indicate that you are trying to avoid something, or that someone else is hiding something from you. Either way, this card urges you to be honest and courageous, as denial or secrecy will not help you in the long term.
One possible meaning of the Seven of Swords is that you are trying to ignore or escape from a health problem that needs your attention. Maybe you are avoiding going to the doctor, taking your medication, or following a treatment plan. Or maybe you are pretending that everything is fine when in reality, you are feeling unwell, stressed, or depressed. While these coping mechanisms may seem helpful at the moment, they will only make things worse in the future.
The Seven of Swords suggests that you will not be able to run away from your health issues forever and that they may eventually catch up with you. Therefore, this card advises you to face your fears and deal with your health problems head-on. Seek professional help if needed, and take care of yourself physically and mentally.
Another possible meaning of the Seven of Swords is that someone else is keeping something from you or lying to you about your health or well-being. Maybe you have a doctor who is not telling you the whole truth, a family member who is hiding their own condition from you, or a friend who is not being supportive or honest with you. Or maybe you have an enemy who is wishing you ill, a rival who is sabotaging your efforts, or a gossip who is spreading rumors about you.
Whatever the case may be, the Seven of Swords warns you to be cautious and discerning and to trust your own judgment. Therefore, this card advises you to get a second opinion, ask for clarification, and confront any deception or betrayal. Don’t let anyone harm you or mislead you.
The Seven of Swords is not all negative, though. It can also have a positive meaning, depending on the situation and your attitude. Sometimes, this card can indicate that you are being clever and resourceful in managing your health or well-being. Maybe you are finding alternative ways to heal yourself, experimenting with different methods or modalities, or discovering new things about yourself.
Or maybe you are being brave and adventurous in pursuing your dreams, overcoming your challenges, or expressing your individuality. In these cases, the Seven of Swords can suggest that you are using your mind and spirit to improve your health and happiness. Therefore, this card encourages you to keep exploring and learning new things and to trust your inner wisdom.
The Seven of Swords invites you to examine your relationship with your health and well-being. It asks you to be honest and courageous in facing any health issues or concerns that may arise. It also asks you to be cautious and discerning in dealing with any deception or betrayal that may affect your health or well-being.
At the same time, it asks you to be clever and resourceful in managing your health and well-being and to use your mind and spirit to improve your health and happiness. By doing so, you will be able to overcome any obstacles or fears that may stand in your way of living a healthy and fulfilling life.
When Seven of Swords Shows Up in a Yes or No Reading
The Seven of Swords is a card that usually means “nope” or “maybe not” to a yes or no question. It can show up when you are in a pickle or a quandary that requires you to be honest and brave or when someone else is shady or sneaky with you. This card tells you to watch your back and keep your eyes open, as things may not be what they appear.
The Seven of Swords can also mean “yep” or “maybe so,” depending on the situation and how you look at it. It can show up when you are smart and savvy in your choices or when you are flexible and adaptable in dealing with whatever life throws at you.
The Seven of Swords invites you to check yourself and your actions in relation to your yes or no question. It asks you to be honest and brave, watchful and alert, smart and savvy. By doing so, you will be able to get a better and more reliable answer to your question
Q1. What does the Seven of Swords tarot card represent?
The Seven of Swords represents deception, dishonesty, betrayal, and cunning. It suggests that someone may be trying to deceive you or that you are deceiving yourself or others.
Q2. How can the Seven of Swords be interpreted in a love reading?
The Seven of Swords in a Love Reading can suggest that one partner may be hiding something or deceiving the other. It may also indicate that there is a need to be cautious and protect oneself from potential betrayal.
Q3. Does the Seven of Swords always indicate dishonesty or betrayal?
While the Seven of Swords tarot card is often associated with dishonesty and betrayal, it can also indicate the need to be resourceful and think outside the box. In some cases, it may suggest that it is necessary to be deceptive in order to protect oneself or achieve a goal.
Q4. What does it mean when the Seven of Swords appears in a reading with The Hermit?
When the Seven of Swords and The Hermit tarot card appear together in a reading, it can indicate a need for caution in sharing information or trusting others, as well as a need to be both strategic and introspective in order to navigate this situation successfully.
Q5. What astrological sign is the Seven of Swords associated with?
The Seven of Swords is associated with the zodiac sign Aquarius. Aquarius is also known for being innovative, original, and unconventional. On the negative side, Aquarius can be detached, aloof, and rebellious. The Seven of Swords can reflect some of the qualities of Aquarius, such as being smart, strategic, and resourceful, as well as the negative qualities of being a loner and rebellious.