The Suit of Pentacles Tarot Cards

Practical Wisdom for a Prosperous Life

The Suit of Pentacles represents the earth element associated with material wealth, physical health, practical skills, and worldly affairs. The cards in this suit show us how we can manifest our dreams and goals in the physical realm and enjoy the fruits of our labor. They also remind us to be grounded, realistic, and responsible with our resources.

Another way to understand the Suit of Pentacles is to examine its connection to astrology. The Suit of Pentacles corresponds to the three earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. These signs are known for their practicality, reliability, and ambition. People born under these signs value stability, security, and comfort. They are hardworking, diligent, and resourceful. They have a strong sense of duty, responsibility, and loyalty. They also tend to be sensual, loyal, and generous. The Suit of Pentacles reflects these qualities and challenges us to embody them.

Meaning of the Pentacles Tarot Cards

Rider Waite depiction of the Ace of Pentacles tarot card. This card features a hand coming out of a cloud holding a yellow disc with a five pointed star on it. This is a pentacle. Below the hand is a green field with white flowers and a path that leads to an archway of greenery and a green hedge. Mountains are visible through the archway.
Rider Waite depiction of the Two of Pentacles tarot card. The figure on this card is dancing and juggling two golden coins with pentagrams inside of an infinity loop. He wears a red hat, red leggings, and a yellow tunic. There are two boats riding the waves in the distance.
Rider Waite depiction of the Three of Pentacles tarot card. This card shows a craftsman standing on a bench working on a wall of a stone building. He is talking to a monk and a person in a hooded cloak who is holding design plans. There are three pentagrams carved into the top of an archway. There is a flower carved below the pentacles
Rider Waite depiction of the Four of Pentacles tarot card. This card shows a man sitting on a chair holding a golden coin with a pentagram/pentacle on it with both arms. He wears a crown and a pentacle on top of his head, and rests his feet on two more coins/pentagrams. There is a city in the background and the sky and the ground are white.
Rider Waite depiction of the Five of Pentacles tarot card. This card shows a woman walking with a child using crutches. They are wearing rags and stooped over. Behind them is a stained glass window of a church.
Rider Waite depiction of the Six of Pentacles tarot card. This card shows a wealthy an in a red cloak tossing coins to two beggars kneeling at his feet. This man holds the scales of justice in one hand. There are six pentacles in the air around him, and trees and a town in the background.
Rider Waite depiction of the Seven of Pentacles tarot card. This card shows a man leaning on a rake, admiring a bush with seven pentacles on it.
Rider Waite depiction of the Eight of Pentacles tarot card. This card shows a man in a workers apron straddling a bench, hammering away at a pentacle. There are six pentacles lining the right side of the card and one at his feet. There is a town in the distance.
Rider Waite depiction of the Nine of Pentacles tarot card. This card shows a refined woman wearing a flowing golden robe with flowers on it. She stands in a lush garden surrounded by grape vines. There are two trees and a home in the distance. Nine pentacles hang on the grape vines on either side of her at the bottom of the card. She rests one hand on one of the pentacles. She wears a falconry glove on the other hand with a falcon resting on her hand. The sky is yellow.
Rider Waite depiction of the Ten of Pentacles tarot card. This card shows an old, wise man sitting comfortably outside the entrance of a town. He is surrounded by family members and two dogs. He wears a luxurious robe. There is a boy playing with one of the dogs. Overlayed onto the scene are ten pentacles arranged in the shape of the sacred geometry tree of life.
Rider Waite depiction of the Page of Pentacles tarot card. There is a young person on this card standing in a field with flowers. There is a plowed field behind him and trees and mountains in the distance. He wears a green tunic, a red sash, and a red headdress. He is holding a golden pentacle with both hands, up in the air and gazing at it. The sky is yellow.
Rider Waite depiction of the Knight of Pentacles tarot card. A knight dressed in full armor and a red vest sits atop a black horse that is standing still on a small hill. The knight holds a pentacle in one hand and has greenery adorning his helmet. The horse has greenery adorning the top of his bridle. There is a plowed field in the distance and trees and rolling hills beyond that. The sky is yellow.
Rider Waite depiction of the Queen of Pentacles tarot card. This card shows a queen wearing a red gown, green cape, and golden crown. She is lovingly gazing at a large pentacle that she is holding in her lap. Her throne is carved of stone and decorated with pears, a goat, a impish child, and lion head. She is in a lush forest scene with a rabbit at her feet, and arch of flowers over her and mountains in the distance.
Rider Waite depiction of the King of Pentacles tarot card. This card shows a king in a robe covered with grapes and grape vines. He wears a red sash around his throuat and a golden crown with red flowers. He holds a pentacle upright on his left leg and a gold scepter in his right hand. He has one foot showing. It is covered with armor and resting on the head of a beast. There are four bull heads on the four corners of his throne. He is surrounded by grapevines and a short wall behind him overlooking a castle, water and a yellow sky.

Meaning of Minor Arcana Cards in a Reading

Four suits — Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles — make up the 56 minor arcana cards. They are all about the everyday aspects of life, such as work, relationships, emotions, and actions. They show you what is happening in your current situation and how you can influence it. They also reflect your personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and potential.

The minor arcana cards are divided into numbered cards (Ace to Ten) and court cards (Page, Knight, Queen, and King). The numbered cards show you the different stages and cycles of a specific theme or energy. For example, the Ace of Pentacles is the beginning of a new opportunity in the material realm, while the Ten of Pentacles is the culmination of creating wealth and a legacy. The court cards show you different aspects of yourself or other people in your life. They can represent your roles, attitudes, behaviors, or influences. For example, the Page of Pentacles is learning new skills and working hard, while the King of Pentacles is already victorious and sharing his wealth.

The minor arcana cards are essential for a complete tarot reading. They give you more details and nuances about your situation and yourself. They also help you connect with your intuition and creativity. Finally, learning their meanings and messages can enrich your tarot practice and experience.


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