Do you cling to your possessions and fear losing them? The Four of Pentacles tarot card warns of the dangers of greed and possessiveness. It invites you to loosen your grip and share your wealth with others.

The Four of Pentacles tarot card also encourages you to loosen your grip and let go of some control. Trust that the universe will provide for you and that you have enough.
Four of Pentacles Symbolism
The Four of Pentacles tarot card shows the consequences of being too attached to your possessions and status. It depicts a man sitting on a bench, holding tightly to four coins with pentagrams on them (pentacles). He has one coin under each of his feet, one on his head, and one in his arms. He looks unhappy and isolated as if he has sacrificed everything else for his wealth.
In tarot, pentacles are the suit of earth and represent the material world and our physical senses. They also symbolize money, work, and practical matters.
The man on this card has four pentacles. Four is a number of stability and order. However, he is not using them wisely or generously. He is hoarding them and guarding them from others. He is afraid of losing them or sharing them. He does not realize that his wealth is not a source of happiness or security but a burden and a trap.
The bench the man sits on represents stability, security, and control. The figure’s tight grasp on the pentacles indicates a desire to hold onto material possessions and maintain a sense of security and control over their financial situation. The bench symbolizes a solid foundation and suggests that the figure is firmly rooted in their current situation. It also limits his mobility and freedom, as he cannot move or go anywhere without losing his grip on his pentacles.
The city in the background is a symbol of society and community. It represents the people and places that we interact with and belong to. However, the man is not part of the town. He is separated from it by distance and a wall. He does not trust or connect with others. He does not contribute to or benefit from the social fabric. He is isolated and lonely, living in his own bubble.
The crown the figure wears is a simple golden crown that the man wears on his head, with another pentacle on top of it. It symbolizes his status and authority, as well as his ambition and desire for wealth and power. The crown also represents is potential to use his resources for a higher good, but he is too attached to his material possessions to do so. He is blocking his connection with the divine and his higher self by focusing on the earthly realm.
The Four of Pentacles invites us to examine our relationship with money and material things. It asks us to loosen our grip and let go of our fears and attachments. It reminds us that true wealth comes from within and that generosity and gratitude are the keys to happiness and abundance.
Quick Guide to Four of Pentacles Tarot Card
Keywords Upright | Possessive, Greed, Security, Control, Status Quo |
Keywords Reversed | Insecurity, Generous, Open, Self Protection |
Yes or No | Yes, with a catch |
Zodiac Sign | Capricorn |
Planet | Sun |
Element | Earth |
Four of Pentacles Upright
The Four of Pentacles represents stability, security, and control. When it appears upright in a reading, it may indicate that you are enjoying the fruits of your hard work and saving money for the future. You have achieved a level of financial stability and security that allows you to feel comfortable and confident. You may also be proud of your accomplishments and status and want to show them off to others.
On the other hand, you may be holding on too tightly to what you have and resisting change. You may be afraid of losing your money, your possessions, your relationships, or your identity. You may also be obsessed with material things and neglecting other aspects of your life, such as your spirituality, your creativity, or your health. You may be acting selfishly and greedily and refusing to share or help others.
The Four of Pentacles invites you to examine your relationship with money and material wealth. Are you using it wisely and generously, or are you hoarding it and becoming attached to it? Are you grateful for what you have, or are you always wanting more? Are you open to new opportunities and experiences, or are you stuck in your comfort zone? Are you balancing your physical needs with your emotional and spiritual needs, or are you ignoring one or the other?
The Four of Pentacles also encourages you to loosen your grip and let go of some control. Trust that the universe will provide for you and that you have enough. Be willing to share your resources and talents with others who may need them. Be flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances and embrace the flow of life. Remember that true wealth comes from within, not from without.
The Four of Pentacles can be a positive or a negative card, depending on how you use its energy. It can help you achieve stability and security in your life, or it can trap you in fear and greed. The choice is yours.

Four of Pentacles Reversed
When the Four of Pentacles appears reversed in a reading, it may indicate that you are experiencing some changes or challenges in these areas of your life. Let’s explore some of the common meanings of this card and how you can apply them to your situation.
The reversed Four of Pentacles can indicate that you are letting go of your attachment to material possessions or financial resources. You may have realized that money is not everything and that you need to focus on other aspects of your well-being, such as your health, relationships, or spirituality. This can be a positive sign of growth and generosity, as you may be more willing to share your wealth with others or donate to a good cause. However, the Four of Pentacles reversed can also be a warning that you are being careless or reckless with your money and that you need to be more mindful of your spending habits and budget.
It’s possible the reversed Four of Pentacles is a sign that you are opening up to new opportunities and experiences. You may have been too rigid or conservative in your outlook and have missed out on some exciting possibilities. Now you are ready to break free from your comfort zone and explore new horizons. You may be more adventurous, curious, and creative as you seek to learn new things and expand your perspective. This can be a great way to enrich your life and discover new aspects of yourself. However, the Four of Pentacles tarot card reversed can also be a sign that you are being restless or impulsive and that you need to balance your desire for change with some stability and structure.
Reversed, the Four of Pentacles may suggest that you are releasing some of your control or power over a situation or a person. You may have been too dominant or possessive in your relationships and have stifled the freedom or autonomy of others. Now you are learning to trust and respect them more and to let them make their own choices and mistakes. This can be a healthy step towards building more harmonious and equal partnerships. However, the reversed Four of Pentacles tarot card can also indicate that you are feeling insecure or vulnerable and that you need to assert yourself more and stand up for your rights and needs.
The reversed Four of Pentacles challenges you to examine your relationship with money, possessions, and power. It asks you to find the right balance between holding on and letting go, between giving and receiving, between security and freedom. By doing so, you can create more abundance, happiness, and harmony in your life.
When Four of Pentacles Shows Up in a Love Reading
The Four of Pentacles often shows up when you are feeling insecure or fearful about your love life. It can indicate that you are holding on too tightly to what you have or that you are afraid of losing what you value. This card can also suggest that you are being too rigid or controlling in your relationship or that you are not open to change or new opportunities.
If you are in a committed relationship, the Four of Pentacles can mean that you are clinging to your partner out of fear of abandonment or betrayal. You may be trying to control every aspect of your relationship, or you may be resisting any changes that could affect your stability. The Four of Pentacles can also indicate that you are not sharing your feelings, thoughts, or resources with your partner or that you are keeping secrets from them. You may be acting selfishly or possessively, or you may be avoiding intimacy or emotional connection.
If you are single, the Four of Pentacles can mean that you are not ready to open your heart to someone new. You may be holding on to the past or to an idealized image of love. You may be afraid of getting hurt again or of losing your independence or security. This card can also indicate that you are not putting yourself out there or that you are rejecting potential suitors. You may be setting unrealistic standards for yourself or others, or you may be limiting your options.
If you are in a situationship, the Four of Pentacles can mean that you are not clear about what you want or need from the other person. You may be playing games or sending mixed signals. You may be settling for less than you deserve or avoiding commitment. The Four of Pentacles tarot card can also indicate that you are not respecting yourself or the other person or that you are not being honest with yourself or them. You may be wasting your time and energy on someone who is not right for you.
The Four of Pentacles invites you to examine your relationship with yourself and with others. It asks you to let go of fear and insecurity and to embrace trust and generosity. It encourages you to open your heart and mind and to welcome change and growth. It reminds you that love is not something that you own or control but something that you share and enjoy.
When Shows Up in a Career/Money/Finance Reading
The Four of Pentacles is a card of stability and security, especially when it comes to your career, money, and finances. It shows that you have worked hard to build a solid foundation, and you are not willing to risk losing it. You may be holding on to your resources tightly, whether they are material possessions, savings, investments, or even your skills and knowledge. You value what you have, and you want to protect it from any potential threats.
The Four of Pentacles cautions you to be careful of becoming too attached or obsessed with your career and money. You may be holding on to your resources too tightly, whether they are your salary, your savings, your investments, or even your skills and knowledge. You may fear losing what you have or not having enough and resist any changes or opportunities that could challenge or threaten your position. You may isolate yourself from your colleagues or clients or become rigid and inflexible in your work style. You may miss out on the satisfaction and fulfillment that comes from being creative, innovative, and collaborative.
The Four of Pentacles invites you to reevaluate your relationship with your career and money. Are you enjoying your work and finding meaning and purpose in it, or are you letting it define you and limit you? Are you grateful for the income and wealth that you have, or are you always dissatisfied and wanting more? Are you generous with your talents and abilities, or are you keeping them to yourself?
The key to finding balance with the Four of Pentacles tarot card is to loosen your grip and let go of some of your fears. Remember that your career and money are not ends in themselves but means to an end. They are tools that can help you achieve your goals and dreams, but they are not the only ones. The more you give, the more you receive. The more you trust, the more you attract. The more you share, the more you grow.
Some examples of how the qualities of this card may manifest in your career are:
- You have a stable job that pays well and provides security, but you are bored or unhappy with it. You are afraid to quit or change careers because you don’t want to lose your income or status.
- You have a valuable skill or talent that can benefit others, but you keep it to yourself. You don’t want to share your knowledge or expertise with anyone else. You may also refuse to learn new skills or update your knowledge.
- You have a rigid work schedule that allows you to manage your tasks efficiently, but you don’t have any flexibility or creativity. You are always following the rules and procedures and avoiding any risks or challenges. You may also resist any feedback or suggestions from others.
- You have a strong sense of loyalty and commitment to your employer or organization, but you don’t have any personal or professional growth. You are always doing the same thing over and over again and not exploring any new opportunities or possibilities. You may also neglect your own needs or interests.
- You have been focusing too much on your career and neglecting other areas of your life, such as your relationships, your health, your hobbies, or your spirituality. You may be so consumed by your work and money that you forget to enjoy the simple pleasures and joys of life. You may also lose touch with your emotions, your intuition, and your inner guidance. You may become detached, cold, or distant from your loved ones or from yourself.
The Four of Pentacles tarot card encourages you to find a healthy balance between security and freedom, between holding on and letting go, and between stability and growth. By doing so, you will discover a new level of prosperity and happiness in your career.
When Four of Pentacles Shows Up in a Health Reading
When the Four of Pentacles shows up in a health reading, it may suggest that you are holding on too tightly to something that is harming your health. This could be a habit, a belief, a fear, or a pattern that is causing you stress, anxiety, or pain.
For example, you may be clinging to an unhealthy diet that is affecting your weight, blood pressure, or cholesterol. You may also be resisting change or growth that could improve your health in the long run, such as quitting smoking, seeking therapy, or changing careers.
The Four of Pentacles could also suggest that you are being too cautious or conservative with your physical resources. You may be saving money for a rainy day but neglecting to invest in your health and happiness. You may also be avoiding risks or challenges that could help you maintain or improve your health or well-being. For example, you may be reluctant to try a new exercise routine that could boost your metabolism, immune system, or mood. You may also be limiting your social interactions or creative outlets that could enhance your mental health and emotional well-being.
The Four of Pentacles tarot card invites you to loosen your grip and let go of what no longer serves you. It encourages you to trust that the universe will provide for your needs and support your well-being. It also urges you to open your heart and mind to new possibilities and experiences that could enrich your life and health. By releasing what you don’t need, you create space for what you do need.
The Four of Pentacles also reminds you to balance your physical and spiritual needs, as well as your inner and outer worlds. It suggests that you pay attention to both your material and emotional security and find ways to harmonize them. It also advises you to connect with your true self and express it authentically. By aligning your actions with your values, you can achieve a state of peace and harmony within yourself and with the world around you.
When Four of Pentacles Shows Up in a Yes or No Reading
The Four of Pentacles tarot card represents stability, security, and financial control. In a yes or no tarot reading, the Four of Pentacles generally means yes. However, it may also imply that the outcome is influenced by a tight grip on the situation or a lack of flexibility.
When the Four of Pentacles is reversed, it usually means no. It can also indicate a willingness to let go or a problem with greed.
Q1. What does the Four of Pentacles mean in a general reading?
The Four of Pentacles indicates that you are focused on your financial security and stability, but you may also be too attached to your money and possessions, fearing to lose them or share them with others. You may need to find a balance between saving and spending and between material and spiritual values.
Q2. What does the Four of Pentacles reversed mean?
The Four of Pentacles reversed suggests a loosening of control and a willingness to let go of material possessions or status. It may also indicate a newfound generosity and openness.
Q3. What does it mean when the Four of Pentacles appears in a reading with The Empress tarot card?
Together, these two cards may suggest a conflict between material gain and emotional fulfillment. The Four of Pentacles may indicate a need for security and stability, while The Empress may indicate a need for emotional and creative fulfillment.
Alternatively, this combination of cards may suggest that you are experiencing both material success and emotional fulfillment but need to be careful not to become too possessive or greedy.
Q4. What does the Four of Pentacles indicate about finances?
The Four of Pentacles can indicate financial stability and security, but it can also suggest a fear-based approach to money and an unwillingness to take risks.
Q5. What astrological sign is the Four of Pentacles associated with?
The astrological sign Capricorn is associated with the Four of Pentacles tarot card. Capricorn is a practical and logical sign, linking to themes of financial stability with the Four of Pentacles. Capricorn is also an earth sign, representing the element of the suit of pentacles.