The Five of Pentacles tarot card represents hardship, illness, and rejection. It shows that you are so consumed by your troubles that you fail to notice the opportunities and blessings that surround you.

The Five of Pentacles is not a card of despair but a card of empowerment. It reminds you that you are not a victim of your circumstances but a co-creator of your destiny.
Five of Pentacles Symbolism
The Five of Pentacles tarot card is one of the most misunderstood cards in the tarot deck. Many people dread seeing it in a reading, thinking it means doom and gloom. But the truth is, this card has a lot of hidden beauty and wisdom to offer. Let’s take a closer look at the symbolism of the Rider Waite Five of Pentacles and discover its secrets.
The first thing we notice is the two figures walking in the snow. They look cold, hungry, and miserable. They represent the hardships and challenges we face in life, such as poverty, illness, rejection, or loneliness. They also remind us that we are not alone in our suffering. There are others who share our pain and can empathize with us. We can find comfort and support in each other if we open our hearts and minds.
The next thing we see is the stained glass window behind them. It depicts five pentacles, which are symbols of material wealth and security. They contrast with the poverty and insecurity of the figures in front of them. They also suggest that there is a source of abundance and prosperity nearby, but the figures are too focused on their problems to notice it. They need to shift their perspective and see the opportunities and blessings that surround them.
The window also has a religious meaning. It belongs to a church, which is a place of worship and sanctuary. It represents the spiritual dimension of life, which can offer us guidance, healing, and hope. It also symbolizes the divine presence and intervention that can help us overcome our difficulties. We just need to have faith and trust in a higher power.
The last thing we notice is the snow. It covers the ground and falls from the sky, creating a bleak and barren landscape. It represents the coldness and isolation we feel when we are going through hard times. It also symbolizes the purification and transformation that can occur when we face our challenges. Snow can melt and reveal new life underneath. It can also reflect light and create beauty and wonder. We can use our challenges as catalysts for growth and change.
The Five of Pentacles is not a card to fear or avoid. It is a card to embrace and learn from. It teaches us that we have the strength and resilience to overcome any obstacle. It also shows us that we have access to abundant resources, both material and spiritual, that can help us along the way. We just need to be aware of them and ask for them. The Five of Pentacles is a card of hope, opportunity, and empowerment.
Quick Guide to Five of Pentacles Tarot Card
Keywords Upright | Financial loss, Hardship, Health challenges, Rejection |
Keywords Reversed | Coming out of hardship, Healing, Repairing, Accepting help, Restoring faith |
Yes or No | Yes and No, depending on the situation |
Zodiac Sign | Taurus |
Planet | Mercury |
Element | Earth |
Five of Pentacles Upright
The Five of Pentacles may seem like a gloomy card, but it has a hidden message of hope and resilience. When this card appears upright in a general reading, it means that you are going through a difficult time in your life. You may feel isolated, rejected, or abandoned by others. You may struggle with financial problems, health issues, or emotional distress. You may feel like you have hit rock bottom and there is no way out.
But don’t despair! The Five of Pentacles also reminds you that you are not alone in your suffering. There are people who care about you and want to help you. There are resources and opportunities that you can access if you open your eyes and look around. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, even if you can’t see it yet.
The key to overcoming this challenge is to change your perspective and attitude. Instead of focusing on what you lack, focus on what you have. Instead of dwelling on the past, look forward to the future. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, reach out to others who can support you. Instead of giving up, keep trying and learning from your mistakes.
The Five of Pentacles invites you to embrace the spiritual aspect of your situation. It shows that there is a higher purpose behind your hardship and that it is an opportunity for growth and transformation. It encourages you to trust in the divine guidance and protection that is always available to you. It urges you to seek comfort and wisdom from your inner voice, your intuition, or your faith.
The Five of Pentacles is not a card of doom and gloom but a card of hope and healing. It tells you that you have the strength and courage to overcome any obstacle and achieve your goals. It assures you that you are never alone and that there is always a way forward. It inspires you to be grateful for what you have and optimistic about what lies ahead.

Five of Pentacles Reversed
The Five of Pentacles reversed represents recovery and renewal. When this card appears reversed in a reading, it means that you are coming out of a period of hardship and struggle. You are finding your way back to stability and security. You are healing from your wounds and restoring your confidence. You are reconnecting with your inner strength and your outer support.
In the reversed position, the Five of Pentacles indicates that you are making positive changes in your life. You are resolving your financial problems, improving your health, or mending your relationships. You are seeking help from others who can assist you or guide you. You are discovering new opportunities and possibilities that were previously hidden or overlooked. You are moving forward with optimism and enthusiasm.
The Five of Pentacles reversed also suggests that you are learning valuable lessons from your experience. You are gaining wisdom and insight that will serve you well in the future. You are developing a deeper sense of gratitude and compassion for yourself and others. You are growing spiritually and emotionally as a result of your challenge — you are transforming your pain into power.
The Five of Pentacles reversed is not a card of misery and despair but a card of hope and joy. It shows that you have overcome a major obstacle and that you are ready for a new chapter in your life. It tells you that you have the potential and the resources to achieve your dreams. It assures you that you are supported and loved by the universe. It inspires you to be happy for what you have and excited for what lies ahead.
When Five of Pentacles Shows Up in a Love Reading
The Five of Pentacles is often seen as a card of hardship and struggle, but what does it mean when it shows up in a love reading? Let’s explore some of the possible meanings of this card for your love life.
If you are in a relationship
If you are in a relationship, the Five of Pentacles may indicate that you and your partner are going through a rough patch. You may feel like you are not getting enough support, affection, or attention from your partner. You may feel unloved or betrayed by your partner.
You may also have trouble communicating or expressing your needs. You may also find that financial difficulties, health issues, or other challenges are putting a strain on your relationship.
The good news is that the Five of Pentacles does not mean that your relationship is doomed. It means that you need to work together to overcome the obstacles and find the light at the end of the tunnel. You may also need to work on your self-esteem and your trust issues.
Remember that you are not alone in this journey. Your partner is your ally, not your enemy. Try to communicate your needs and feelings honestly and compassionately. Seek help from others if you need it. And don’t forget to appreciate the little things that make your relationship special.
If you are single
If you are single, the Five of Pentacles may suggest that you are feeling lonely, rejected, or unworthy of love. You may have experienced a painful breakup, a series of disappointments, or a lack of opportunities to meet someone new. You may also be struggling with low self-esteem, insecurity, or fear of rejection.
The bad news is that the Five of Pentacles may not promise a quick fix for your situation. It means that you need to work on yourself before you can attract the right person into your life.
Remember that you are not hopeless or helpless in this quest. You have the power to change your mindset and your circumstances. Try to focus on your strengths and talents, not your flaws and failures. Seek support from friends, family, or professionals if you need it. And don’t forget to enjoy your own company and have fun with your hobbies and passions.
If you are in a situationship
If you are in a situationship, the Five of Pentacles may imply that you are in a state of confusion and uncertainty about where you stand with someone. You may have feelings for someone who is not ready to commit, who is sending mixed signals, or who is keeping you at arm’s length.
You may also be unsure about what you want from this connection, whether it is casual or serious or whether it is worth pursuing or letting go.
The tricky news is that the Five of Pentacles may not offer a clear answer to your dilemma. It means that you need to trust your intuition and follow your heart in this matter. Remember that you are not trapped or stuck in this situation. You have the freedom to choose what is best for you and your happiness.
Try to be honest with yourself and with the other person about what you expect and what you can offer. Seek clarity from them if you need it. And don’t forget to respect yourself and your boundaries in this relationship.
The Five of Pentacles may seem like a gloomy card for love, but it is not all doom and gloom. It is a card of growth and resilience, of learning and healing, of hope and faith. It reminds you that even in the darkest times, there is always a ray of light waiting for you.
The Five of Pentacles invites you to embrace the challenges and opportunities that come your way with courage and grace. And it assures you that no matter what, you are always loved and supported by the universe.
When Five of Pentacles Shows up in a Career/Money/Finance Reading
The Five of Pentacles tarot card is one of the most challenging cards in the tarot deck, especially when it comes to career, money, and finance. It shows a scene of hardship, poverty, and struggle, where two people are walking in the snow, one injured and the other barefoot. They pass by a stained glass window of a church, but they seem unaware or unable to seek help.
The Five of Pentacles suggests that you may be facing some difficulties in your work or financial situation. Perhaps you have lost your job, suffered a pay cut, or experienced a setback in your business. Maybe you are struggling to pay your bills, debts, or taxes. Or maybe you feel insecure, unsupported, or isolated in your career path.
The Five of Pentacles asks you to look at the root causes of your problems and to acknowledge the reality of your situation. It also invites you to explore your beliefs and attitudes towards money and work. Do you have a scarcity mindset, where you believe that there is not enough for everyone? Do you feel unworthy, undeserving, or guilty of having abundance? Do you fear change, risk, or failure?
The good news is that the Five of Pentacles does not mean that your situation is hopeless or permanent. It is a temporary phase that can be overcome with courage, faith, and perseverance. The Five of Pentacles also reminds you that you are not alone in your journey. There are people who care about you and who can offer you support, guidance, or assistance. The church window in the card symbolizes the presence of a higher power that is always watching over you and providing you with opportunities and blessings.
The Five of Pentacles tarot card challenges you to shift your perspective and to see the positive aspects of your situation. It encourages you to be grateful for what you have and to share it with others. It also urges you to seek new sources of income, learning, or growth that can help you improve your circumstances. Remember that every challenge is an opportunity to learn, grow, and transform.
When Five of Pentacles Shows Up in a Health Reading
The Five of Pentacles shows two people in ragged clothes walking in the snow outside a church. They are cold, hungry and sick. They feel abandoned and hopeless. But what does this card mean when it appears in a health reading?
The first thing to remember is that the tarot is not a tool for predicting the future. It is a tool for understanding the present and exploring the possibilities. The cards reflect your energy and your state of mind. They offer guidance and insight, not fate and doom.
The Five of Pentacles tarot card suggests that you are going through a difficult time in your health. You may be suffering from a physical illness, an injury, a chronic condition, or a mental health issue. You may feel isolated, unsupported, and helpless. You may have lost your faith in yourself and in the universe. You may be struggling to pay for your medical bills or to access the care you need.
But the Five of Pentacles tarot card also has a hidden message of hope. The church in the background represents a source of comfort and healing that is available to you if you only look for it. You are not alone in your suffering. There are people who care about you and who can help you. There are resources and opportunities that you can access. There is a higher power that loves you and supports you.
The key to overcoming this challenge is to reach out for help. Don’t be ashamed or afraid to ask for assistance. Don’t isolate yourself or wallow in self-pity. Don’t give up on your dreams or your potential. You have the strength and the resilience to overcome this obstacle. You have the power to heal yourself and your life.
The Five of Pentacles invites you to look beyond the surface of your situation and to see the deeper meaning and purpose behind it. What is this challenge teaching you? How is it helping you grow? How is it preparing you for something better? How can you use it as an opportunity to transform yourself and your reality?
The Five of Pentacles is not a card of despair but a card of empowerment. It reminds you that you are not a victim of your circumstances but a co-creator of your destiny. It encourages you to trust in yourself and in the divine. It urges you to seek the light within yourself and within others.
The Five of Pentacles is a card of hope, healing, and renewal.
When Five of Pentacles Shows Up in a Yes or No Reading
The Five of Pentacles is not the most cheerful card in the tarot deck. It shows two people in ragged clothes walking in the snow outside a church. They look cold, hungry, and miserable. But what does it mean when this card pops up in a yes or no reading?
Well, it depends on the question you asked. If you asked something like “Will I win the lottery?” or “Will I find true love?” then the answer is probably no. Sorry to burst your bubble, but the Five of Pentacles suggests hardship, loss, and lack of support. You may need to face some challenges before you can achieve your goals.
However, if you asked something like “Should I quit my job?” or “Should I leave this relationship?” then the answer may be yes. The Five of Pentacles indicates that you are unhappy with your current situation and that you need a change. You may feel like you have nothing to lose, but you have everything to gain. You may also find help and guidance from unexpected sources, such as the church in the background.
The key to understanding this card is to look beyond the surface and see the hidden opportunities. The Five of Pentacles may seem bleak, but it also invites you to seek spiritual growth and healing. It reminds you that you are not alone and that there is always hope. So don’t let this card discourage you. Instead, use it as a motivation to overcome your obstacles and create a better future for yourself.
Q1. What does the Five of Pentacles mean in a general reading?
The Five of Pentacles means that you are going through a difficult time, financially, emotionally, or physically. You may feel isolated, rejected, or abandoned by others. You may also struggle with your faith or your sense of purpose.
Q2. What does the Five of Pentacles mean in a love reading?
In a love reading, the Five of Pentacles indicates that you are experiencing hardships in your relationship. You may feel unloved, neglected, or betrayed by your partner. You may also have trouble communicating or expressing your needs. You may need to work on your self-esteem and your trust issues.
Q3. What is the positive side of the Five of Pentacles?
The positive side of the Five of Pentacles is that it teaches you resilience and strength. It shows you that you can overcome any adversity and that you can grow from your experiences. It also encourages you to seek spiritual guidance and to connect with your higher self.
Q4. What astrological sign is the Five of Pentacles associated with?
The Five of Pentacles is associated with the zodiac sign Taurus. Taurus is a fixed sign, meaning that people with this sign love their stability and find comfort in consistency. However, when they face hardship or change, they may become stubborn, insecure, or materialistic.
The Five of Pentacles may reflect the challenges that Taurus people face when they lose their sense of security or their resources. They may feel isolated, rejected, or abandoned by others. They may also struggle with their faith or their sense of purpose. They may need to learn to adapt to new situations and to seek help when they need it.
Q5. What does it mean when the Five of Pentacles tarot card appears in a reading with the Five of Cups?
In Tarot, each card holds its own unique meaning, but when two cards appear together in a reading, they can influence and amplify each other’s meanings.
The Five of Pentacles typically represents financial hardship, feeling left out in the cold, and experiencing a sense of isolation or abandonment. It can also indicate a time of physical illness or emotional struggle.
The Five of Cups tarot card usually symbolizes grief, disappointment, and a sense of loss. This card suggests that something you had hoped for or invested in did not turn out as you had expected, leading to feelings of regret and sadness.
When the Five of Pentacles and Five of Cups appear together in a reading, it can indicate a period of intense struggle and emotional pain. You may be feeling isolated and alone, with no one to turn to for support. The combination of these cards suggests that you may be going through a difficult time financially while also experiencing a deep sense of loss or disappointment.