Six of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Are you giving or receiving? The Six of Pentacles tarot card shows that you have a role to play in the exchange of resources, power, and knowledge. This card challenges you to examine how this dynamic affects your life.

Rider Waite depiction of the Six of Pentacles tarot card. This card shows a wealthy an in a red cloak tossing coins to two beggars kneeling at his feet. This man holds the scales of justice in one hand. There are six pentacles in the air around him, and trees and a town in the background.

Six of Pentacles Symbolism

The Six of Pentacles tarot card speaks of generosity, balance, and karma. It shows a wealthy man dressed in a red robe, holding a scale in his left hand and giving coins to two beggars with his right hand. What does this card mean for you? Let’s explore some of the symbols in this card and how they can inspire you to live a more harmonious and abundant life.

The scale the man holds represents fairness, justice, and equilibrium. It reminds you that what you give is what you get and that you should always strive to maintain a balance between your material and spiritual needs. The scale also suggests that you are in a position to weigh your options and make wise decisions. You have the ability to discern what is valuable and what is not and to act accordingly.

The coins symbolize wealth, prosperity, and generosity. They indicate that you have enough resources to share with others and that you are willing to do so. You are not attached to your money but rather see it as a tool to help yourself and others. You are also aware that money is not the only form of wealth and that there are other ways to enrich your life and the lives of those around you.

The beggars represent humility, gratitude, and receptivity. They show that you are open to receiving the gifts of the universe and that you appreciate what you have. You are not too proud to ask for help when you need it, nor too greedy to take more than you deserve. You are also compassionate and empathetic towards those who are less fortunate than you, and you do not judge them by their appearance or status.

The red robe signifies passion, vitality, and courage. It shows that you are confident and enthusiastic about your life and that you have a strong sense of purpose. You are not afraid to pursue your goals and dreams nor to face the challenges that may arise along the way. You are also passionate about helping others, and you use your energy and resources for good causes.

The pentacles symbolize the element of earth, which is associated with practicality, security, and material success. They indicate that you have achieved a level of stability and comfort in your life and that you have worked hard to get there. They also represent the fruits of your labor and the rewards that come from your efforts. You are not wasteful or extravagant but rather responsible and prudent.

The building represents structure, order, and authority. It shows that you have a solid foundation for your life and that you respect the rules and norms of society. You are not rebellious or chaotic but rather conforming and disciplined. You also acknowledge the role of institutions and organizations in your life, such as your family, workplace, or community.

The Six of Pentacles tarot card invites you to share your wealth with others, whether it is money, time, knowledge, or love. It also reminds you to be grateful for what you have and to be open to receiving the blessings of the universe. By doing so, you will create a harmonious and abundant life for yourself and others.

Quick Guide to Six of Pentacles Tarot Card

Keywords UprightGenerosity, Giving and receiving, Gifts, Help, Grateful
Keywords ReversedStingy, Greedy, Exploitation, Manipulation, Lack of Gratitude
Yes or NoYes, with a caveat
Zodiac SignTaurus

Six of Pentacles Upright

The Six of Pentacles represents generosity, charity, and balancing giving and receiving. It shows a wealthy man holding a scale in one hand and giving coins to two beggars with the other.

When the Six of Pentacles appears upright in a reading, it means that someone has something valuable to offer to others who need it more. You may be the giver or the receiver of money, goods, services, time, advice, support, love, or anything else that can make a difference in someone’s life.

You are grateful for your blessings, and you are happy to share them with others. You are also open to receiving help from others when you need it. You are not greedy or needy, but you are generous and humble. You are not attached to your possessions or your ego, but you are compassionate and wise. You are not giving out of guilt or obligation but out of joy and gratitude.

The Six of Pentacles also suggests that you are seeking balance in your life. You are aware of the law of karma, and you know that what you give will come back to you in some form. You are not expecting anything in return, but you are also not letting yourself be taken advantage of. You are using your discernment and wisdom to decide who needs your help and how much to give. You are respecting the dignity and autonomy of those you help, and you are not judging them or imposing your views on them.

You are also balancing your own needs and wants with those of others. You are not neglecting yourself or sacrificing your happiness for others, but you are also not selfish or indifferent to others’ suffering. You are finding harmony between giving and receiving, between abundance and scarcity, and between self and others.

The Six of Pentacles is a card of kindness, grace, and harmony. It invites you to open your heart and your hands to the world and to experience the joy of giving and receiving.

The Six of Pentacles reminds you that you have enough to share and that by doing so, you create more abundance for yourself and others. It also encourages you to seek balance in your relationships, your finances, and your mental and spiritual growth. It assures you that the universe will reward you for your generosity and that you will always have what you need.

Rider Waite depiction of the Six of Pentacles tarot card reversed.

Six of Pentacles Reversed

The Six of Pentacles shows a wealthy man giving coins to two beggars while holding a scale in his other hand. He is sharing his abundance with those who have less, and he is doing it with fairness and justice.

But what happens when this card appears reversed in a general reading? Does it mean that you are being stingy, greedy, or unfair? Not necessarily. There are many possible meanings for the reversed Six of Pentacles, depending on the context and your situation.

The Six of Pentacles reversed can indicate that you are giving too much or too little. Maybe you are overextending yourself financially, emotionally, or energetically, and you need to set some boundaries and prioritize your own needs. Or maybe you are holding back your resources, talents, or gifts, and you need to be more generous and open-hearted with others. The reversed Six of Pentacles asks you to find a healthy balance between giving and receiving.

Sometimes the reversed Six of Pentacles suggests that you are experiencing inequality or injustice. Maybe you are being exploited, manipulated, or taken advantage of by someone who has more power or authority than you. Or maybe you are abusing your own power or authority over someone who has less. The reversed Six of Pentacles urges you to stand up for your rights and dignity or to respect the rights and dignity of others.

The Six of Pentacles reversed may be telling you that you are facing a karmic lesson or consequence. Maybe you are reaping the rewards of your past generosity, kindness, or good deeds, and you are receiving unexpected help or support from someone. Or maybe you are paying the price of your past stinginess or hoarding, and now you are not receiving what you need. The reversed Six of Pentacles reminds you that what goes around comes around and that you can always change your karma by changing your actions.

The reversed Six of Pentacles is not a bad card, but it is a challenging one. It invites you to examine your relationship with giving and receiving resources, knowledge, and power and to make adjustments if needed. It also encourages you to be grateful for what you have and to share it with others in a way that is fair and balanced.

When Six of Pentacles Shows Up in a Love Reading

In a love reading, the Six of Pentacles can mean that you are giving or receiving support, gifts, or kindness from your partner or someone else. It can also indicate that you are in a harmonious and fair relationship or that you need to adjust the balance of giving and taking in your love life. The Six of Pentacles invites you to share your love with others but also to receive love in return.

If you are in a relationship

If you are in a relationship, the Six of Pentacles can be a sign of a healthy and harmonious relationship. It indicates that you and your partner are giving and receiving equally and that you are both happy with the arrangement. You may be supporting each other financially, emotionally, spiritually, or all of the above. You may be giving each other gifts, compliments, and attention or simply being there for each other when needed. The Six of Pentacles tarot card shows that you are generous, caring, and respectful and that you appreciate what you have.

However, the Six of Pentacles can also be a warning of an unhealthy and unbalanced relationship. It can suggest that one of you is giving too much and the other is taking too much and that there is a lack of fairness and reciprocity in your connection. You may be feeling exploited, resentful, guilty, or all of the above. You may be sacrificing your own needs, wants, and happiness for the sake of the other person or vice versa. The Six of Pentacles warns you to examine your relationship and to decide whether it is worth saving or not.

If you are single

If you are single, the Six of Pentacles can mean that you are attracting potential partners who are generous, caring, and respectful. You may meet someone who is willing to spoil you with gifts, compliments, and attention or someone who needs your help and gratitude. Either way, the Six of Pentacles tarot card advises you to be discerning and not to take advantage of anyone’s generosity or to let anyone take advantage of yours.

The Six of Pentacles can also imply that you are ready to share your love with someone who deserves it and that the universe will send you the right person at the right time.

If you are in a situationship

If you are in a situationship, the Six of Pentacles can be a tricky card to interpret. It can mean that you and the other person are giving and receiving equally and that there is harmony and fairness in your connection. However, it can also mean that one of you is giving too much and the other is taking too much and that there is an imbalance and a lack of commitment in your relationship. The Six of Pentacles asks you to examine your motives and expectations and to decide whether you are happy with the way things are or if you want something more.

The Six of Pentacles invites you to share your love with others but also to receive love in return. It reminds you that the universe is abundant and that there is enough for everyone. It encourages you to be kind, compassionate, and generous but also to be wise, discerning, and fair. The Six of Pentacles is a card of joy and blessing in love.

When Six of Pentacles Shows Up in a Career/Money/Finance Reading

When the Six of Pentacles tarot card shows up in a career, money, and finance reading, it suggests that you have achieved a level of success and abundance in your career and that you are willing to share it with others who are less fortunate.

You may be donating to charity, volunteering your time or skills, or mentoring someone who needs your guidance. You are not doing this out of pity or guilt, but out of a sense of gratitude and compassion. You know that what goes around comes around and that by giving back to the universe, you are creating more harmony and prosperity for yourself and others.

The Six of Pentacles also asks you to consider how you balance your resources. Are you spending wisely and saving for the future? Are you investing in yourself and your goals? Are you managing your debts and obligations? Are you being fair and honest in your dealings with others?

This card reminds you that money is a form of energy and that you need to use it wisely and ethically. You may need to adjust your budget, review your contracts, or negotiate a better deal. You may also need to be more assertive in asking for what you deserve or be more generous in giving what others need.

The Six of Pentacles invites you to reflect on the value of your work and your contribution to society. Are you doing what you love, and what makes you happy? Are you making a positive difference in the world? Are you using your talents and skills to their fullest potential?

This card encourages you to find meaning and purpose in your career, money, or finances and to align them with your higher self. You may discover new opportunities, new passions, or new ways of expressing yourself. You may also receive recognition, rewards, or appreciation for your efforts.

When you love what you do, you are in balance with giving and receiving. The Six of Pentacles assures you that when you give from the heart, you will receive much more in return.

When Six of Pentacles Shows Up in a Health Reading

When The Six of Pentacles appears in a health reading, it suggests that you are in a position to give or receive help. Perhaps you have been blessed with good health, and you want to share your wellness with others. You might volunteer at a hospital, donate blood, or support a health-related cause. You are aware that your health is not something to take for granted, and you are grateful for what you have.

Alternatively, you might be the one who needs assistance. Maybe you are struggling with a health issue, and you need some financial or emotional support. You might seek out a doctor, a therapist, or a friend who can offer you guidance and comfort. You are not afraid to ask for help when you need it, and you trust that the universe will provide for you.

The Six of Pentacles reminds you to keep a balance between giving and receiving. You should not overextend yourself or neglect your own needs. You should also not become dependent on others or expect them to solve your problems. You should respect yourself and others and practice gratitude and generosity in equal measure.

The Six of Pentacles reminds us of the law of karma. It tells you that what you give out will come back to you. If you are kind and compassionate, you will attract more kindness and compassion into your life. If you are selfish and greedy, that will come back to you too. The Six of Pentacles encourages you to be mindful of your energy and intentions and to align yourself with the highest good.

The Six of Pentacles is a card of joy and abundance. It shows you that you have the power to make a difference in your own life and in the lives of others. It invites you to celebrate your health and happiness and to spread it around. It assures you that the universe is generous and fair and that you will receive what you deserve.

When Six of Pentacles Shows Up in a Yes or No Reading

When the Six of Pentacles appears in a yes or no reading, it’s a sign that the answer is likely “yes,” but with a caveat – you need to approach the situation with a spirit of giving and receiving. If you’re seeking something for yourself, you’ll need to balance your desire with the needs of others.

For example, let’s say you’re asking whether you should ask your boss for a raise. The Six of Pentacles suggests that you can make a case for yourself, but you’ll also need to consider how your request might impact your colleagues or the company as a whole. If you approach the situation with a spirit of generosity, recognizing that everyone deserves to be compensated fairly, you’re more likely to get a positive answer.

On the other hand, if you’re asking whether you should lend money to a friend, the Six of Pentacles again reminds you to consider the balance between giving and receiving. If you’re in a position to help and your friend genuinely needs it, go ahead and lend a hand. But if you’re overextending yourself or if your friend is taking advantage of your generosity, it might be time to say no.


Q1. What is the meaning of the Six of Pentacles in a love reading?

In a love reading, the Six of Pentacles indicates a balanced and harmonious relationship where both partners are giving and receiving equally.

Q2. What does the Six of Pentacles reversed mean?

The Six of Pentacles reversed can mean that you are being selfish, stingy, greedy, or ungrateful. It can also mean that you are being exploited, manipulated, cheated, or robbed. It can also mean that you are experiencing financial difficulties, debt, or poverty.

Q3. What does the Six of Pentacles mean in a general reading?

The Six of Pentacles means that you are in a position of giving or receiving help, money, or resources. It also means that you need to balance your generosity and your needs and be aware of the consequences of your actions.

Q4. What does it mean when the Six of Pentacles appears in a reading with The Hermit tarot card?

When the Six of Pentacles and The Hermit appear together in a reading, it can mean that you need to withdraw and reflect on your relationship with money and power. It can also mean that you need to find a balance between giving and receiving and between being involved and being detached.

The Hermit is a card of solitude, introspection, and wisdom. It shows an old man holding a lantern and a staff standing on a snowy mountain. The Hermit suggests that you need to seek your own inner guidance and truth and avoid distractions and influences from the outside world.

The Six of Pentacles is a card of generosity, giving and receiving, and balance. It suggests that you need to be fair and ethical in your dealings with money and resources and to be aware of the consequences of your actions.

Q5. What are some possible challenges or advice associated with the Six of Pentacles?

Some possible challenges or advice associated with the Six of Pentacles are:
Don’t be too proud or too humble to ask for or offer help.
Don’t let money or power corrupt you or control you.
Don’t take more than you need or give more than you can.
Don’t forget to thank or acknowledge those who help you or those you help.


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