The King of Pentacles has the Midas touch: everything he touches turns to gold. He is a generous and successful leader who values stability and security. He also warns against the pitfalls of materialism and excess.

The King of Pentacles tarot card can suggest that you are ready for a new challenge or opportunity in your career, money, or finance situation. You may be offered a promotion, a raise, or a new project that will increase your income and status.
King of Pentacles Symbolism
The King of Pentacles tarot card radiates wealth, abundance, and success. He is the master of the material realm who knows how to create prosperity and enjoy the fruits of his labor. He is also a generous and wise leader who shares his knowledge and resources with others. Let’s explore some of the symbols in this card and what they mean.
The King sits on a throne adorned with bulls and grapevines. The bull is a symbol of strength, stability, and fertility. It is also associated with the astrological sign of Taurus, which rules money, possessions, and sensuality. The grapevines represent abundance, growth, and pleasure. They also suggest that the King has a connection to nature and its cycles.
The King wears a robe decorated with fruits and flowers. These are symbols of bounty, beauty, and joy. They show that the King has achieved a high level of success and happiness in his life. He is not afraid to indulge in the finer things that life has to offer. He also appreciates the value of quality and craftsmanship.
The King wears a red scarf around his neck, which is a symbol of passion, vitality, and courage. It shows that the King has a warm heart and a generous spirit. He is not afraid to express his feelings or pursue his desires. He also has a zest for life and enjoys every moment of it. He is adventurous and enthusiastic, always ready for new experiences and challenges.
The King holds a scepter in his right hand and a gold coin in his left hand. The scepter is a symbol of authority, power, and leadership. It shows that the King has earned respect and influence in his field. He is confident and competent in his abilities. The gold coin is a symbol of wealth, prosperity, and opportunity. It shows that the King has mastered the art of manifestation and knows how to attract abundance into his life.
The King’s left foot is armored and rests on an animal head, which could be a boar or a tortoise. This is a symbol of his mastery over the qualities of sturdiness and determination. He is not easily swayed by emotions or distractions. He has a firm grip on reality and knows how to overcome any obstacles or challenges. He is also resilient and adaptable, able to endure hardships and change.
One of the King’s feet is exposed, and one is hidden under his robe. This symbolizes balance, moderation, and harmony. It shows that the King has integrated both his material and spiritual aspects. He is not attached to his wealth or status but rather uses them as tools for his higher purpose. He is also aware of both his strengths and weaknesses and does not let either dominate him.
The castle behind the King is a symbol of security, stability, and legacy. It shows that the King has built a solid foundation for himself and his family. He has a comfortable and luxurious home that reflects his status and taste. He also has a lasting impact on his community and society.
The King of Pentacles tarot card invites us to emulate his qualities of abundance, generosity, and wisdom. He teaches us how to create wealth in all areas of our lives and how to enjoy it with gratitude and grace. He also reminds us to share our gifts with others and to be responsible stewards of our resources.
Quick Guide to King of Pentacles Tarot Card
Keywords Upright | Enterprising, Ambitious, Dependable, Responsible, Generous, Supportive, Steady, |
Keywords Reversed | Stubborn, Obsessive, Fear of loss, Dependent, Materialistic, Wasteful |
Yes or No | Yes |
Zodiac Sign | Taurus |
Planet | Mercury |
Element | Earth |
(As you peruse the meaning of the King of Swords tarot card in the different areas of your life, keep in mind that, as with all court cards, the qualities of the King of Swords could represent you or someone you know.)
King of Pentacles Upright
The King of Pentacles tarot card is a symbol of success, wealth, and achievement. He represents the ultimate goal of the suit of Pentacles: to create a prosperous and stable life for yourself and others.
When this King appears upright in a reading, it means that you have reached a high level of accomplishment in your career, finances, or material affairs. You are enterprising, ambitious, and hard-working, and you have earned the respect and admiration of your peers. You are also dependable, responsible, and generous, and you use your wealth and influence to support and nurture those who depend on you.
The King of Pentacles is not only a master of the material world but also a wise and benevolent leader. He has a strong sense of duty and ethics, and he values honesty, integrity, and loyalty. He is not easily swayed by greed or temptation, and he does not compromise his principles for personal gain. He is steady, reliable, and consistent in his actions and decisions. He knows how to balance work and play, and he enjoys the finer things in life without being extravagant or wasteful.
This king invites you to embrace his qualities and follow his example. He encourages you to pursue your goals with determination and confidence but also with humility and gratitude. He reminds you to share your abundance with others and to be a source of inspiration and guidance for those who look up to you. He also urges you to appreciate what you have achieved and to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

King of Pentacles Reversed
The King of Pentacles tarot card is a powerful card that symbolizes wealth, success, and leadership. He is a master of the material realm who knows how to create abundance and prosperity for himself and others. He is generous, reliable, and stable, and he offers his wisdom and guidance to those who seek his help. He is also a father figure who provides security and comfort to his family and friends.
But what happens when this card appears reversed in a general reading? What does it mean for you and your life?
Perhaps you are not managing your wealth very well. You may be overspending, overindulging, or neglecting your finances. You may also be too attached to your possessions and status and forget about the things that truly matter in life. You need to be more responsible, disciplined, and mindful of your money and resources.
You may be obsessed with wealth and power. Perhaps you have become greedy, selfish, or corrupt. You may use your influence and authority to manipulate or exploit others. You may also be arrogant, stubborn, or insensitive to the needs and feelings of others. You need to be more humble, compassionate, and ethical. Remember that money and power are not the only sources of happiness and fulfillment in life.
You may lack confidence and self-worth. You may feel insecure or inadequate about your abilities or achievements. You may also doubt your potential or direction in life. You need to be more assertive, ambitious, and optimistic. Recognize your strengths and talents, and pursue your goals with determination and enthusiasm. Don’t let fear or negativity hold you back from reaching your full potential.
You are missing an opportunity for growth and success. You may be too complacent, lazy, or resistant to change. You may also be too rigid, conservative, or traditional in your approach. You need to be more open-minded, flexible, and innovative. Explore new possibilities and challenges, and learn from different perspectives and experiences. Don’t settle for less than what you deserve or desire in life.
The King of Pentacles tarot card reversed is not necessarily a bad card, but it does indicate that you need to make some adjustments in your attitude and behavior towards money and wealth. It also invites you to reflect on your values and priorities in life.
Here are some examples of how you can apply the meaning of the reversed King of Pentacles tarot card to your situation:
- If you are struggling with debt or financial problems, you can use the King of Pentacles tarot card reversed as a wake-up call to take control of your finances. You can create a budget, track your expenses, pay off your debts, save more money, invest wisely, or seek professional advice if needed.
- If you are feeling dissatisfied or unhappy with your career or business, you can use the King of Pentacles reversed as a motivation to improve your situation. You can seek new opportunities, upgrade your skills, expand your network, start a new project, or change your direction if necessary.
- If you are experiencing conflict or tension with someone who is wealthy or powerful, you can use the King of Pentacles reversed as a reminder to respect yourself and others. You can communicate clearly, assertively, and diplomatically; avoid being intimidated or manipulated; stand up for your rights and interests; or walk away from toxic relationships if needed.
- If you are lacking passion or purpose in life, you can use the King of Pentacles reversed as an inspiration to find your true calling. You can explore your passions, talents, and dreams; discover what makes you happy and fulfilled; align yourself with your values and goals; or make a positive difference in the world.
The King of Pentacles reversed challenges you to rethink your relationship with money and wealth. It also encourages you to balance your material pursuits with your spiritual needs. Remember that you are more than what you own or earn. You are a valuable and worthy person who has something unique and meaningful to offer to the world.
When King of Pentacles Shows up in a Love Reading
The King of Pentacles is a powerful and prosperous card that represents abundance, security, and stability. When this card shows up in your love reading, it can mean that you are attracting or enjoying a partner who embodies these qualities. He is someone who is loyal, generous, and dependable. He knows how to take care of his loved ones and provide for their needs. He is also sensual, passionate, and grounded in his physical body.
If you are in a relationship
If you are in an established relationship, the King of Pentacles can indicate that you and your partner are in a comfortable and harmonious phase. You may be sharing your wealth and resources with each other or planning for your future together. You may also be experiencing a deeper level of intimacy and connection, as the King of Pentacles is a master of pleasure and satisfaction. This card can also suggest that your partner is supportive of your career and financial goals or that you are both working hard to achieve them.
If you are single
If you are single, the King of Pentacles tarot card can signify that you are ready to meet someone who matches your level of maturity and success. You may be looking for a partner who can offer you stability and security, as well as romance and passion. You may also be attracting someone who has these qualities or who is already established in their field or business. This king can also encourage you to focus on your own self-worth and abundance and cultivate the qualities that you desire in a partner.
If you are in a situationship
If you are in a situationship, the King of Pentacles tarot card can indicate that you want more clarity and commitment from the person you are involved with. You may be feeling frustrated or confused by their mixed signals or lack of direction. You may also be wondering if they can offer you what you truly want and deserve in a relationship. This king can advise you to communicate your expectations and boundaries clearly and to stand up for your values and needs. Alternatively, the King of Pentacles can also suggest that you are happy with the arrangement as it is and that you enjoy the freedom and flexibility that it offers.
The King of Pentacles invites you to embrace the abundance and joy that life has to offer. Whether you are in a relationship or not, this card reminds you that you are worthy of love and respect. It also encourages you to share your gifts and talents with the world and to create a solid foundation for yourself and your loved ones.
When King of Pentacles Shows up in a Career/Money/Finance Reading
The King of Pentacles tarot card is a powerful and prosperous card that signifies success, wealth, and stability. When this card appears in a career, money, or finance reading, it indicates that you have achieved or are about to achieve a high level of accomplishment in your chosen field. You have worked hard, invested wisely, and managed your resources well. You are confident, reliable, and respected by others. You enjoy the fruits of your labor and share your abundance with those you care about.
The King of Pentacles also represents the qualities of leadership, authority, and responsibility. You have the skills and experience to handle any situation that comes your way. You are not afraid to take charge and make decisions. You are fair, generous, and loyal to your employees, colleagues, and clients. You have a vision for the future and a plan to make it happen. You are not easily swayed by trends or fads. You stick to what works and what you know.
The King of Pentacles can also suggest that you are ready for a new challenge or opportunity in your career, money, or finance situation. You may be offered a promotion, a raise, or a new project that will increase your income and status. You may also decide to start your own business, expand your portfolio, or invest in something that will bring you long-term benefits. Whatever the case, you have the confidence and the resources to pursue your goals and dreams.
The King of Pentacles invites you to embrace your inner king and enjoy the rewards of your hard work and dedication. You have earned the respect and admiration of others and yourself. You have created a solid foundation for your future and your legacy. You have the power and the potential to achieve anything you set your mind to. You are the King of Pentacles!
When King of Pentacles Shows up in a Health Reading
The King of Pentacles tarot card is a powerful and positive card that shows up in your health reading to remind you of your potential and your responsibility. The King of Pentacles represents a successful and wealthy person who has achieved a lot in life through hard work and discipline. He is generous, practical, and reliable. He knows how to take care of himself and others.
When you see the King of Pentacles in your health reading, it means that you have the resources and the ability to improve your well-being and enjoy a comfortable and prosperous life. You may have already reached a high level of health and happiness, or you may be on your way to achieving it. Either way, this card encourages you to keep up the good work and maintain a healthy balance between your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs.
The King of Pentacles also suggests that you can benefit from the guidance and support of someone who has more experience and expertise in the field of health and wellness. This could be a doctor, a therapist, a coach, or a mentor. This person can help you achieve your goals and overcome any challenges or obstacles that may arise along the way. You can trust this person to have your best interests at heart and to offer you valuable advice and feedback.
Another message of the King of Pentacles is that you should be generous and compassionate with yourself and others. You have a lot to offer and share with the world, and you can make a positive difference in the lives of many people. You can also receive a lot of love and gratitude from those who appreciate your kindness and generosity. By giving and receiving in equal measure, you can create a harmonious and abundant flow of energy that will enhance your health and happiness.
The King of Pentacles tarot card invites you to take charge of your well-being and enjoy the fruits of your hard work and perseverance. You have worked hard to achieve a high level of health and wellness or to overcome a health challenge, and you deserve to be proud of yourself and your accomplishments. You also deserve to treat yourself with respect and care and to indulge in some pleasures and comforts that make you feel good. You have earned it!
When King of Pentacles Shows Up in a Yes or No Reading
The King of Pentacles tarot card is a card that says yes to your question but with a catch. This card represents a successful and wealthy person who has achieved a lot in life through hard work and discipline. He is generous, practical, and reliable. He knows how to take care of himself and others. He also knows how to say no when he needs to.
The King of Pentacles tells you that you have the potential and the ability to achieve your dreams, but you also have to be realistic and practical about them. It also tells you that you have the support and the guidance of someone who can help you along the way, but you also have to be respectful and humble towards them. It also tells you that you have the generosity and the compassion to share your success with others, but you also have to be mindful and grateful for what you have.
So, if you’re looking for a simple yes or no answer, this card may not be the best one for you. But if you’re looking for a yes with some wisdom and insight, this card may be just what you need.
Q1. What does it mean if the King of Pentacles appears in a Tarot reading?
If the King of Pentacles appears in a Tarot reading, it can indicate that you are in a position of authority or power or that you are focused on material success and financial stability. It may also suggest that you need to be practical and grounded in your approach to achieving your goals.
Q2. How does the King of Pentacles tarot card relate to business and finance?
The King of Pentacles is often associated with business and finance, as he represents financial stability, success, and responsible management of resources. He can indicate that it is a good time to focus on building wealth and making sound financial decisions.
Q3. Who is the King of Pentacles?
The King of Pentacles is a person who embodies the qualities of the card. He is a mature man or masculine energy who is successful, wealthy, secure, practical, generous, responsible, loyal, protective, sensual, reliable, ambitious, hard-working, influential, respected, admired, generous, supportive, mentor-like, benefactor-like, practical-minded spiritualist. He may be someone you know or someone you aspire to be like.
Q4. What does it mean when the King of Pentacles appears in a reading with the Page of Swords?
When the King of Pentacles tarot card appears in a reading with the Page of Swords, it means that you have a strong sense of ambition that is being fueled by excitement and new inspiring ideas. In business, this can be exceptionally helpful as looking at things from a different and more careless perspective can often offer some unique and fruitful insights.
However, you should also be careful not to be too impulsive, reckless, or naive in your actions. The King of Pentacles advises you to be practical, responsible, and realistic in your goals, while the Page of Swords encourages you to be creative, curious, and assertive in your approach. By balancing these two energies, you can achieve success and prosperity in your endeavors.
Q5. What astrological sign is associated with the King of Pentacles tarot card?
The astrological sign that is associated with the King of Pentacles tarot card is Taurus. Taurus is a fixed earth sign that represents stability, security, practicality, and sensuality. Taurus is also ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and money.
The King of Pentacles embodies these qualities and expresses them in a mature and confident way. He is a loyal, generous, and reliable partner who enjoys the finer things in life. He is also a successful, ambitious, and influential leader who can manage his wealth and resources wisely.