The Suit of Cups Tarot Cards

Exploring Your Emotional and Creative Potential

The Suit of Cups represents the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, creativity, and spirituality. The Suit of Cups is the most romantic and poetic of the four suits, and it can reveal a lot about your inner world and relationships.

The Suit of Cups is beneficial for exploring our feelings, desires, and connections with others. The Suit of Cups can show us how we express and receive love, nurture and heal ourselves and others, tap into our intuition and imagination, and align with our soul purpose. The Suit of Cups can also warn us of pitfalls such as being too emotional, passive, idealistic, or dependent.

When you see a lot of cups in a reading, it means that you are experiencing or seeking emotional fulfillment, joy, and harmony. You may be exploring your feelings, expressing your creativity, or nurturing your relationships. You may also be tapping into your psychic abilities or spiritual guidance.

Meaning of The Cups Tarot Cards

Rider Waite depiction of Ace of Cups tarot card. A white gloved hand coming out of a cloud above a body of water holds a cup with a white dove above it and water overflowing the cup.
Rider Wait depiction of the Two of Cups tarot card. This card shows a man and a woman each holding a cup out to the other. There is
Rider Waite depiction of the Three of Cups tarot card. This card features three women in a circle raising their cups in a toast. One woman is wearing a white dress, one yellow and one red. There are flowers and fruit on the ground around them and two of them have floral wreaths on their heads.
Rider Waite depiction of the four of cups tarot card. A figure sits at the base of a vibrant tree with his arms crossed, seemingly too self absorbed to see the cup being handed to him by a hand coming out of a cloud. There are also 3 cups at his feet.
Rider Waite depiction of the Five of Cups tarot card. This card shows a figure cloaked in black and facing away. There are 3 overturned cups at his feet and two upright cups behind him. There a river and in front of him with a bridge in the distance and a building on the other side of the river.
Rider Waite depiction of the six of cups tarot card. This card shows a boy child handing a cup full of flowers to a girl child. There are four cups in the foreground filled with flowers and another cup filled with flowers behind the boy on a stone pillar. In the background is a well kept home.
Rider Waite depiction of the Seven of Cups tarot card. This card shows a shadow of the back of a figure looking at seven cups siting on clouds. Each cup has a different object in it, some positive, some negative..
Rider Waite depiction of the Eight of Cups tarot card. This card shows a figure in a red cloak with a walking stick wearily walking away from eight cups stacked in the foreground. The moon shines above a landscape of water, hills and mountains.
Rider Waite depiction of the Nine of Cups tarot card meaning. A figure wearing a red hat sits with his arms crossed in front of his chest. He is in front of a tall table with a blue table cloth and 9 cups arrange in an arch.
Rider Waite depiction of the 10 of Cups tarot card. It shows a man with an arm around a woman. Both are waving joyously, facing rolling hills and a house in the distance. Two children play nearby. An arch of 10 cups goes across the top of the card.
Rider Waite depiction of Page of Cups tarot card. This card has a youth standing water holding a golden cup with a fish coming out of the top. He wears pink and blue clothing with flowers on his tunic, and a blue hat.
Rider Waite depiction of the Knight of Cups. This knight on a white horse holds a single gold cup and wears a robe with fish and water on it. He wears a helmet with wings and armor under his robe. There is a cliff-like mountain and a small stream in the distance.
Rider Waite depiction of the Queen of Cups tarot card. This queen sits on a throne on the sea shore admiring a golden cup that she is holding in both hands. The cup has an ornate top and two praying angels perched on arms that extend on either side of the cup.
Rider Waite depiction of the King of Cups tarot card. This king sits calmly on a throne floating on a body of turbulent water. He holds a cup in one hand and a scepter in the other, and wears a fish on a chain around his neck.

Meaning of Minor Arcana Cards in a Reading

Four suits — Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles — make up the 56 minor arcana cards. They are all about the everyday aspects of life, such as work, relationships, emotions, and actions. What is happening in our current situations and the influence we have shows up in the minor arcana cards.

The minor arcana cards are divided into numbered cards (Ace to Ten) and court cards (Page, Knight, Queen, and King). The numbered cards show you the different stages and cycles of a specific theme or energy. The Ace of Cups indicates new love or emotional healing, and the Ten of Cups is a result of working hard to create a happy family or community. The court cards show you different aspects of yourself or other people in your life. They can represent your roles, attitudes, behaviors, or influences. For example, the Page of Cups represents intuition and the emotional expression of youth. The King of Cups has reached emotional maturity and has mastered balanced leadership.

Though readings can be done with only the major arcana cards, the minor arcana cards are essential for a complete tarot reading. They give you more details and nuances about your situation and yourself. They also help you connect with your intuition and creativity. Finally, learning their meanings and messages can enrich your tarot practice and experience.


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