The Six of Cups tarot card is one of the most uplifting and optimistic cards in the deck. It speaks of a time of renewal and new beginnings, of innocence and joy, and of a bright future filled with possibilities.

The Six of Cups tarot card invites you to embrace your inner child and experience the fun, freedom and innocence that comes with being young again.
Six of Cups Symbolism
The Six of Cups tarot card is a beautiful representation of nostalgia and childhood memories, emotional fulfillment, and innocence. It is depicted with a scene of a boy child handing a cup filled with greenery and a single white water lily to a girl child. There are four cups in the foreground, each containing greenery and a white water lily. In addition, there is one cup, also with greenery and a white water lily, sitting on a pedestal behind the boy. The children are in front of a castle and a man is walking toward the castle.
The water lilies in the cups symbolize purity, enlightenment, and spiritual growth.The fact that each cup contains a water lily suggests that emotional connections and relationships are rooted in a sense of deep, soulful connection and purity.
The children on the Six of Cups tarot card represent innocence, nostalgia, childlike wonder, purity, and playfulness. The way the boy is handing the cup to the girl also shows kindness and generosity and a sense of trusting that all is right in their world.
The castle and the man in the background of the card contributes to that sense of trusting as it represents safety, security, and a sense of being protected, which can be interpreted as a sign that emotional connections and relationships are safe and secure.
The cups themselves represent emotions, feelings, relationships, and connections, and the greenery in each cup may be seen as a symbol of growth, new beginnings, and happiness. The cup on the pedestal is often interpreted as a symbol of the past, memories, or experiences that are being elevated and honored in some way.
The cup on the pedestal may also represent a sense of nostalgia or longing for the past, as well as a desire to reconnect with positive memories or experiences from earlier times. Alternatively, the pedestal may symbolize a pedestal of honor or reverence, indicating that the past is being valued and respected for the lessons and experiences it has provided.
While water is not visible on this card, water is associated with the cups cards in general and represents the subconscious mind, intuition, and feelings, which are all aspects of emotional connections and relationships.
Overall, the Six of Cups tarot card in the Rider Waite deck conveys a sense of emotional fulfillment, innocence, and nostalgia. The cups, greenery, and water lilies serve as symbols of abundance, generosity, and harmonious balance in relationships, reinforcing the idea that emotional connections and relationships are deeply fulfilling when they are rooted in purity and a sense of soulful connection.
Quick Guide to Six of Cups Tarot Card
Keywords Upright | Nostalgia, Innocence, Feeling blessed, Childhood |
Keywords Reversed | Stuck in the past, Grudges, Letting go, Time to grow up |
Yes or No | Yes |
Zodiac Sign | Scorpio |
Planet | Sun |
Element | Water |
Six of Cups Upright
Do you ever feel nostalgic for the good old days? Do you wish you could go back to a simpler time when life was full of joy and innocence? Do you long to reconnect with someone from your past who made you happy? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might relate to the Six of Cups Tarot card.
When the Six of Cups tarot card is upright in a Tarot reading, it means you’re focused on the past. Maybe you’ve been thinking about an old friend. Or you’ve been spending more time reminiscing lately. It also represents children and family. If you’ve been struggling recently, this card encourages you to find support in your loved ones.
The Six of Cups tarot card invites you to embrace your inner child and experience the fun, freedom and innocence that comes with being young again. You may feel more playful, creative and spontaneous than usual. You may also enjoy spending time with children or young people, or doing activities that remind you of your childhood.
The Six of Cups tarot encourages you to find joy and happiness in the simple things in life. When you give yourself permission to be playful, spontaneous, and creative, you connect more with your authentic self and your intuition.
The Six of Cups tarot card can indicate that reconciliation and healing are on the horizon. You may be revisiting the past, either in your mind or in reality, and finding closure or forgiveness for past hurts.
The Six of Cups can also signify that someone from your past may reappear in your life, such as a childhood sweetheart, a former lover, or a family member. This person may offer you support, guidance or a new opportunity. Alternatively, you may be the one who reaches out to someone who needs your help or kindness.
The Six of Cups is a card that reminds you of the good times you had in the past, but also urges you to live in the present and look forward to the future. It shows you that you can heal from your wounds and reconnect with your true self. It also inspires you to share your gifts and kindness with others.

Six of Cups Reversed
The reversed Six of Cups tarot card suggests a lack of emotional fulfillment or a sense of emotional disconnection or detachment from past experiences. This could be due to a variety of factors, such as a focus on the present or future at the expense of the past, or a sense of disillusionment or disappointment with past experiences.
The Six of Cups reversed can also suggests an over-reliance on nostalgia or a tendency to romanticize the past. In this context, the card may be a warning to avoid getting stuck in the past or allowing past experiences to hold one back from moving forward in life.
The reversed Six of Cups tarot card can also suggest issues with trust or intimacy in relationships. This could manifest as a tendency to hold grudges or dwell on past hurts, or as difficulty in forming deep emotional connections with others.
Overall, the reversed Six of Cups suggests a need to examine one’s emotional connections and relationships, particularly with regard to past experiences and memories. It is a signal to lighten up and let go of negative emotions or resentments from the past, and to focus on cultivating healthy, balanced emotional connections in the present.
When Six of Cups Shows up in a Love Reading
When the Six of Cups tarot card appears in a love reading, it often suggests themes of nostalgia, fond memories, and emotional connections from the past. This card can indicate a rekindling of an old flame, a past relationship resurfacing, or a renewed interest in someone from your past.
If you are currently in a relationship, the Six of Cups may indicate a need to revisit past experiences and memories with your partner, perhaps to rekindle a sense of emotional connection or to remind yourselves of the positive aspects of your relationship. This card can also suggest the importance of honoring and valuing the history and shared experiences that have brought you together as a couple.
If you are single and seeking a relationship, the Six of Cups may indicate that someone from your past, such as an old flame or friend, may re-enter your life and potentially spark a new romantic connection. Alternatively, this card may suggest the importance of examining past relationships or patterns of behavior in order to gain insight into what you are looking for in a partner and what you need to work on in order to build healthy, lasting relationships in the future.
However, it is important to keep in mind that the Six of Cups can also suggest a tendency to romanticize the past or to idealize past relationships, which can sometimes prevent you from fully engaging with the present and building new, healthy connections.
Therefore, it is important to approach any potential re-connections with an open mind and to remain grounded in the present moment, rather than getting lost in nostalgia or fantasies about the past.
When Six of Cups Shows up in a Career/Money/Finance Reading
When the Six of Cups tarot card appears in a career, money, or finance reading, it can be an indication of potential financial abundance. It can suggest that you are being offered a gift of money or resources that can help you to achieve your financial goals.
In a career reading, the Six of Cups can suggest that you are going to be recognized for your hard work and rewarded with a promotion or raise. It can also indicate that you are about to receive an unexpected windfall or gain financially from an investment.
On the other hand, the Six of Cups tarot card can indicate the importance of being mindful of past financial mistakes or patterns of behavior, and taking steps to avoid repeating them in the future.
Perhaps you need to revisit past experiences or skills in order to move forward in your career. This could involve tapping into previous work experience, education, or training in order to build on existing skills or knowledge.
Alternatively, the Six of Cups may indicate a need to reflect on past career choices or decisions in order to gain insight into what you truly value and what direction you want to take in your career going forward.
In regard to money or finances, the Six of Cups tarot card can suggest the importance of financial planning and budgeting, particularly with regard to past expenses or debts that may be affecting your current financial situation.
Overall, the Six of Cups in a career, money, or finance reading suggests gifts coming to you or a need to reflect on past experiences or decisions in order to gain insight into the present and move forward with a greater sense of clarity and purpose.
When Six of Cups Shows up in a Health Reading
When the Six of Cups tarot card appears in a health reading, it means you’re focused on your health from the past. Maybe you’ve been thinking about how healthy and happy you used to be. Or you’ve been feeling nostalgic for the simple and natural remedies you used to have. It also represents health that is innocent, pure, and joyful. If you’ve been feeling sick or depressed lately, this card encourages you to find your inner child and experience the magic of healing again.
The Six of Cups can also signify that someone from your past may help you with your health issues, such as a childhood friend, a former doctor, or a family member. This person may offer you support, guidance or a new treatment. Alternatively, you may be the one who helps someone who needs your care or kindness.
The Six of Cups is a card that reminds you of the good times you had in health, but also urges you to live in the present and look forward to the future. It shows you that you can heal from your wounds and reconnect with your true self. It also inspires you to share your gifts and kindness with others.
When the Six of Cups is reversed in a Tarot health reading, it means you’re stuck about your health in the past or idealizing it too much. You may be yearning for a time when things were easier or happier, but you need to accept that things have changed and move on. You may also be influenced by past events or patterns that are no longer serving you. You need to learn from your past experiences, but not let them define you or limit you.
The Six of Cups reversed can also indicate that you are being childish or immature in health. You may be avoiding responsibility or reality by escaping into fantasy or nostalgia. You may also be lacking playfulness or joy in your health. You need to find a balance between being serious and having fun.
When Six of Cups Shows up in a Yes or No Reading
When the Six of Cups tarot card shows up in a yes or no reading, it typically suggests a positive outcome. To answer a yes or no question using the Six of Cups tarot card, focus on the positive energy and support it offers. If you are feeling empowered and optimistic, your answer should be yes.
Q1. What is the astrological association of the Six of Cups card?
The Six of Cups is associated with the astrological sign of Scorpio, which is known for its intense emotional energy and focus on transformation and rebirth.
Q2. What does the Six of Cups card suggest about personal growth and development?
The Six of Cups suggests that personal growth and development often involve a deep understanding and acceptance of past experiences and emotions. By embracing our past and nurturing positive emotional connections, we can cultivate greater resilience, empathy, and self-awareness.
Q3. What is the spiritual significance of the Six of Cups card?
In spiritual contexts, the Six of Cups is often associated with the themes of purity, innocence, and rebirth. It may suggest a need to cultivate a deeper connection with one’s spiritual or inner self, and to seek out practices or experiences that promote greater emotional and spiritual well-being.
Q4. What does it mean when the Six of Cups appears with The Star tarot card in a reading?
The appearance of the Six of Cups and The Star tarot cards together in a reading can suggest a powerful combination of emotional healing and spiritual renewal.
The Six of Cups often represents a focus on positive childhood memories, emotional connections, and nostalgia, while The Star is associated with hope, inspiration, and a deep sense of inner peace and spiritual fulfillment.
Together, these cards may suggest that you are experiencing a period of emotional renewal or healing, perhaps as a result of connecting with positive memories from the past or cultivating deeper emotional connections in the present.
The appearance of The Star card suggests that this process is supported by a deep sense of spiritual faith or connection, and that you may be experiencing a greater sense of hope, optimism, and inspiration as a result.
Overall, this combination of cards is often seen as a positive sign of emotional and spiritual growth, and a powerful reminder of the healing power of positive emotional connections and spiritual faith.
Q5. How can I use the Six of Cups to improve my life?
You can use the Six of Cups to improve your life by embracing the positive aspects of this card. You can reconnect with someone or something from your past that brings you joy and happiness.
You can find support and comfort in your family and friends.
You can get in touch with your inner child and experience the fun, freedom and innocence that comes with being young again.
You can also share your gifts and kindness with others.