Suit of Wands Tarot Cards

Spark Your Imagination and Take Action

The Suit of Wands represents the element of fire, which is hot, wild, energetic, and unpredictable. Fire has a dual nature: it can create or destroy. It can help us make food or tools, or it can ruin forests or homes. Similarly, the Suit of Wands represents passion, energy, and enthusiasm.

At its best, the Wands Suit cards provide inspiration, passion, courage, and drive. They inspire us to follow our passion and pursue our dreams. When this suit is at its worst, the wands can lead to rash decisions, conflicts, burnout, or frustration. They can also indicate that we ignore our emotions or intuition in favor of our rational mind or ego.

The Suit of Wands is a powerful and passionate suit that can urge you to make a bold move or warn you when you’re moving too fast. It can help you to ignite your fire and express your true self. It can also help you to understand your connection to the element of fire and how it influences your life.

Meaning of the Wands Tarot Cards

Rider Waite depiction of the Ace of Wands tarot card. This card shows a white hand emerging from a cloud, holding a wooden stick with small green branches. There is a castle and mountains, lush greenery, and a small stream in the background
Rider Waite depiction of the Two of Wands tarot card showing a man holding a wand in one hand and a globe of the world in the other. He is at the top of a castle wall overlooking the valley, sea, and mountains below. There is a second wand upright behind him and a crest on the castle wall.
Rider Waite depiction of the Three of Wands tarot card. On this card, a man in a red and green robe stands at the edge of a cliff facing away. He is surrounded by three wands.
Rider Waite depiction of the Four of Wands tarot card. This card shows four wands in the foreground adorned at the top with a wreath of leaves and flowers. In the center background, a couple stands with arms in the air, in celebration. They are holding bunches of greenery. Behind them lay a castle, a group of people and green bushes.
Rider Waite depiction of the Five of Wands tarot card. This card shows 5 men dressed in different colored clothes fighting each other with wood wands or staffs that have green leaves near the tops. The colors of the clothing include red, green, blue, tan, and one with hearts.
Rider Waite depiction of the Six of Wands tarot card. On this card we see a triumphant man wearing a laurel wreath crown and riding a white horse. He is holding a wand with a laurel wreath hanging at it's top. Five other wands are held by the cheering crowd.
Rider Waite depiction of the Seven of Wands tarot card. A figure stands on top of a mountain holding a wand or staff in a defensive way. He is facing six wands that are stuck in the ground in front of him. A creek runs between the mountain peaks.
Rider Waite depiction of the Eight of Wands tarot card. It shows 8 wands of varying lengths coming from the left as if coming down from the sky to the ground. There are rolling green hills, a home and a river in the background.
Rider Waite depiction of the Nine of Wands tarot card. A man stands leaning on a staff/wand. He looks battle worn with his head bandaged and his expression is wary. Behind him stand a row of 8 wands. Behind these lie a green landscape with mountain peaks.
Rider Waite depiction of the Ten of Wands tarot card. This card shows a figure leaning into and pushing an upright stack of ten wands. There is a home and green trees in the distance.
Rider Waite depiction of the Page of Wands tarot card. This card shows an adolescent boy standing tall and proud in front of a barren, orange and yellow landscape, admiring his wand/staff. He wears a fanciful orange cape tossed over his shoulders and a yellow tunic with black alligators on it.
Rider Waite depiction of the Knight of Wands tarot card. On this card, a figure rides an orange horse that is charging forward. He holds a wand in one hand and wears knights armor and a cloak with salamanders on it. His helmet has a red plume. There are desolate, sandy mountains in the distance.
Rider Waite depiction of the Queen of Wands tarot card. This card shows a queen sitting on a throne holding a sunflower in one hand and a large wand/staff in the other. There are statues of lions on either side of her throne. And her throne has sunflowers and two lions on the back of it. There is a black cat at her feet and desolate mountains on one side of her in the distance and gray on the other. She wears a yellow gown and a golden crown.
Rider Waite depiction of the King of Wand tarot card. This card shows a side view of a king on his throne. His throne appears to be hovering above a barren landscape. He has red hair and a red/orange gown and a green cape with salamanders on it. There are lions and salamanders on the high back of his throne, and a green salamander on the ground by his feet.

Meaning of Minor Arcana Cards in a Reading

Four suits — Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles — make up the 56 minor arcana cards. They are all about the everyday aspects of life, such as work, relationships, emotions, and actions. They show you what is happening in your current situation and how you can influence it. They also reflect your personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and potential.

The minor arcana cards are divided into numbered cards (Ace to Ten) and court cards (Page, Knight, Queen, and King). The numbered cards show you the different stages and cycles of a specific theme or energy. For example, the Ace of Wands is the beginning of a new opportunity or project, while the Ten of Wands is the end of a difficult project or experience. The court cards show you different aspects of yourself or other people in your life. They can represent your roles, attitudes, behaviors, or influences. For example, the Page of Wands is an enthusiastic go-getter, while the King of Wands is a visionary and influential leader.

The minor arcana cards are essential for a complete tarot reading. They give you more details and nuances about your situation and yourself. They also help you connect with your intuition and creativity. Finally, learning their meanings and messages can enrich your tarot practice and experience.


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