From battle-scarred to battle-ready, the Nine of Wands tarot card stands as a symbol of resilience and perseverance. This card reminds us that even in the face of adversity, we have the strength to overcome.

You have the courage, the persistence, and the strength of will to keep going. You have learned from your past experiences and you have gained valuable skills and knowledge. You are closer to your goal than you think, and you just need to push through the final stretch.
Nine of Wands Symbolism
Have you ever felt like you’re fighting a losing battle? Like no matter how hard you try, you keep facing obstacles and challenges that drain your energy and test your faith? If so, you might relate to the Nine of Wands tarot card, which shows a man who has been through hell and back, but still stands his ground and refuses to give up. He’s like the Rocky Balboa of tarot.
The Nine of Wands tarot card is a card of resilience, perseverance, and endurance. It represents the final stages of difficulty before reaching a goal or success. It also signals exhaustion, burnout, or stress from the previous or ongoing battles. It is a card of hope and encouragement to fight on and never give up.
But what do the symbols on this card mean? Let’s take a closer look at them and see what they can tell us.
The man on the card is leaning on a staff, looking over his shoulder at the eight wands behind him. He seems weary and worn, as though he has already been through a battle and now must face additional challenges with the presence of these eight wands.
He has a bandage on his head, indicating that he has been wounded physically or mentally. However, he also has a determined expression on his face, showing that he has not lost his spirit or his will. He is ready to defend himself and his position if necessary.
He represents us when we are facing adversity and need to summon our inner strength and courage.
The staff that the man is holding is one of the nine wands on the card. It symbolizes his support, stability, and authority. It also represents his backbone, his spine, his moral compass. He uses it to stand up for himself and his beliefs, even when others oppose him or try to knock him down. He does not let go of his staff, even when he is tired or injured. It shows that he has faith in himself and his cause.
The eight wands behind the man are arranged in a defensive position, forming a barrier between him and the outside world. They symbolize the challenges, obstacles, or enemies that he has faced or is still facing. They may also represent his past failures, mistakes, or regrets that haunt him or weigh him down.
They show that he has had a hard journey and that he is not out of the woods yet. However, they also show that he has overcome many difficulties and that he has learned from his experiences. He knows how to handle himself in tough situations and how to protect himself from harm.
The mountains in the background of the Nine of Wands tarot card can symbolize the challenges and obstacles that the man has faced and overcome, as well as the strength and stability that he has gained from those experiences. The green and lush landscape can represent the growth and abundance that comes from facing challenges with determination and perseverance.
As you can see, the Nine of Wands tarot card tells us that we are stronger than we think and that we can overcome any challenge with determination and perseverance. It also reminds us to take care of ourselves and to seek help when we need it. It encourages us to keep our faith and our vision alive, even when things seem bleak or hopeless.
Quick Guide to Nine of Wands Tarot Card
Keywords Upright | Perseverance, Feeling Wary & Guarded, Endurance |
Keywords Reversed | Mental Distress, Quarrels, Tunnel Vision, |
Yes or No | Maybe |
Zodiac Sign | Sagittarius |
Planet | Mars |
Element | Fire |
Nine of Wands Upright
The Nine of Wands tarot card is all about resilience, determination, and a never-give-up attitude – something we could all use a little more of in our lives! It tells you that you have what it takes to overcome any difficulty or adversity that life throws at you. You have been through a lot, but you have not given up. You have proven yourself to be a warrior, and you deserve to be proud of yourself.
However, the Nine of Wands also warns you not to be too stubborn or defensive. Sometimes, you may feel like you have to do everything on your own, or that everyone is against you. You may become paranoid or isolated, and refuse to accept any help or compromise. This can lead to more stress and conflict, and prevent you from achieving your true potential.
The Nine of Wands tarot card can sometimes indicate that you need to be wary and cautious in your actions. Perhaps you are or will be under attack or facing opposition, and you need to be prepared to defend yourself.
The Nine of Wands tarot card invites you to trust yourself and your intuition, but also to be open to other perspectives and opinions. You don’t have to fight every battle alone; there are people who support you and want to see you succeed. You can also learn from your mistakes and failures, and use them as opportunities for growth and improvement
The Nine of Wands is also a card of hope and encouragement. It tells you that you are close to reaching your desired outcome, and that you just need to keep going for a little while longer. It also reminds you that you are stronger than you think, and that you have the power to overcome any challenge with courage and confidence.
So, the next time you feel like giving up, remember the Nine of Wands. Remember how far you have come, how much you have learned, and how much you have grown. So stand tall, my friends, and know that the universe is cheering you on!

Nine of Wands Reversed
Firstly, let me just say that the Nine of Wands is a card that embodies strength, resilience, and perseverance. When upright, it signifies that we have been through a lot, but we’re not giving up just yet. We’re ready to keep fighting, even if we’re tired and bruised.
However, when the Nine of Wands tarot card is reversed, it can indicate a moment of weakness. We may feel like we’re at the end of our rope, that we’ve exhausted all our resources, and we simply can’t take any more. We may be tempted to throw in the towel and walk away from our struggles.
But wait! Don’t despair just yet, my dear friends. The Nine of Wands reversed can also be a powerful reminder that it’s okay to take a break. It’s okay to admit that we’re not invincible, and that we need some time to recharge our batteries. We don’t have to be superheroes all the time, and it’s perfectly fine to ask for help when we need it.
In fact, the reversed Nine of Wands tarot card can be seen as an invitation to surrender to the universe, to trust that everything is happening for a reason, and that we will come out stronger on the other side. Sometimes, it’s only when we let go of our need to control everything that we can truly find peace.
So, my dear readers, if you’ve pulled the Nine of Wands reversed in your tarot reading, don’t despair. Take a deep breath, take some time for yourself, and remember that you’re not alone. We’re all in this together, and we’ll get through it together. Keep the faith, and keep shining your light!
When Nine of Wands Shows up in a Love Reading
Have you ever felt like you’re constantly on guard in your love life? Like you have to protect yourself from potential threats, deal with unresolved issues, and cope with emotional scars? If so, you might relate to the Nine of Wands, a tarot card that shows up when you’re in a state of defensiveness.
The Nine of Wands tarot card depicts a man who has been through a lot. He’s holding a wand as if he’s ready for another attack, but he also looks weary and wounded. He’s surrounded by eight other wands that represent his previous battles, but he knows there’s still more to come. He’s not giving up, but he’s also not trusting anyone.
This card can appear in your love reading when you feel like you’re in a similar situation. Maybe you’re in a relationship that has been rocky or challenging. Maybe you’re single and have been hurt by past lovers or rejected by potential ones. Maybe you’re dealing with trust issues, insecurity, or fear of commitment. Whatever the case, you feel like you have to keep your guard up, even though you’re lonely and unhappy.
The good news is that the Nine of Wands tarot card also tells you that you have what it takes to heal your heart. You have the courage, the resilience, and the strength of character to overcome these challenges. You have learned from your past experiences and you have gained wisdom and compassion. You are closer to finding true love than you think, and you just need to open yourself up to it.
The bad news is that the Nine of Wands tarot card also warns you that you might be closing yourself off too much. You might be avoiding intimacy, communication, or vulnerability. You might be holding on to grudges, resentment, or bitterness. You might be losing sight of what you really want and need in a partner.
The Nine of Wands tarot card asks you to find a balance between self-protection and self-expression. It encourages you to keep your boundaries, but also to lower your walls. It reminds you to respect your past, but also to forgive and move on. It invites you to be cautious, but also to be adventurous.
The Nine of Wands is not an easy card to deal with, but it’s also not a hopeless one. It shows you that you have the power to heal your heart, as long as you don’t isolate yourself from it. It challenges you to grow as a person and as a lover, but also to enjoy the process. It tells you that love might feel like a war zone right now, but it can also be a paradise. So keep persevering, and keep shining your light!
When Nine of Wands Shows up in a Career/Money/Finance Reading
Have you ever felt like you’re constantly fighting for your place in the world? Like you have to prove yourself over and over again, face endless obstacles, and deal with people who don’t appreciate your efforts? If so, you might relate to the Nine of Wands, a tarot card that shows up when you’re in the middle of a struggle.
The Nine of Wands tarot card depicts a man who has been through a lot. He’s holding a wand as if he’s ready for another attack, but he also looks weary and wounded. He’s surrounded by eight other wands that represent his previous victories, but he knows there’s still more to come. He’s not giving up, but he’s also not enjoying himself.
This card can appear in your career reading when you feel like you’re in a similar situation. Maybe you’re working on a project that has been delayed or challenged by external factors. Maybe you’re dealing with a difficult boss or coworker who doesn’t respect your work. Maybe you’re facing competition or criticism from others who want to see you fail. Whatever the case, you feel like you have to keep fighting for your success, even though you’re exhausted and frustrated.
The good news is that the Nine of Wands tarot card also tells you that you have what it takes to overcome these challenges. You have the courage, the persistence, and the strength of will to keep going. You have learned from your past experiences and you have gained valuable skills and knowledge. You are closer to your goal than you think, and you just need to push through the final stretch.
The bad news is that the Nine of Wands tarot card also warns you that you might be pushing yourself too hard. You might be neglecting your health, your relationships, or your happiness in the process. You might be becoming too defensive, paranoid, or stubborn. You might be losing sight of why you’re doing what you’re doing in the first place.
The Nine of Wands tarot card asks you to find a balance between perseverance and self-care. It encourages you to keep fighting for your dreams, but also to take care of yourself along the way. It reminds you to appreciate your achievements, but also to acknowledge your limits. It invites you to be brave, but also to be flexible.
The Nine of Wands is not an easy card to deal with, but it’s also not a hopeless one. It shows you that you have the power to overcome any obstacle, as long as you don’t lose yourself in the process. It challenges you to grow as a person and as a professional, but also to enjoy the journey. It tells you that your career might feel like a battle right now, but it can also be an adventure.
When Nine of Wands Shows up in a Health Reading
Have you ever felt like you’re constantly fighting for your health? Like you have to deal with chronic conditions, recurring illnesses, or stressful situations? If so, you might relate to the Nine of Wands, a tarot card that shows up when you’re in a state of resistance.
Maybe you’re dealing with a chronic condition that requires constant management. Maybe you’re recovering from an illness or injury that has left you weak or in pain. Maybe you’re facing a stressful situation that is affecting your mental or emotional well-being. Whatever the case, you feel like you have to keep fighting for your health, even though you’re tired and frustrated.
The good news is that the Nine of Wands tarot card also tells you that you have what it takes to improve your health. You have the courage, the determination, and the willpower to overcome these challenges. You have learned from your past experiences and you have gained insight and awareness. You are closer to healing than you think, and you just need to keep going.
The bad news is that the Nine of Wands tarot card also warns you that you might be pushing yourself too hard. You might be neglecting your rest, your nutrition, or your happiness in the process. You might be becoming too rigid, stubborn, or impatient. You might be losing sight of what your body and mind really need.
The Nine of Wands tarot card asks you to find a balance between resistance and acceptance. It encourages you to keep fighting for your health, but also to listen to your body and mind. It reminds you to appreciate your progress, but also to acknowledge your limits. It invites you to be strong, but also to be gentle.
Though the Nine of Wands is not an easy card to deal with, it shows you that you have the power to improve your health, as long as you don’t ignore your needs. It challenges you to grow as a person and as a patient, but also to enjoy the journey. It tells you that health might feel like a struggle right now, but it can also be a blessing.
Remember, take care of yourself and be kind to your body, and you’ll be unstoppable!
When Nine of Wands Shows Up In A Yes Or No Reading
When the Nine of Wands tarot card shows up in a yes or no reading, it can mean a variety of things depending on the context of the question. Generally speaking, the Nine of Wands tarot card suggests that the answer is leaning toward a ‘no’—but it could go either way.
If the question is about standing firm on a decision or taking a risk, it could be a sign that you should proceed with caution. On the other hand, if your question pertains to a new venture or relationship, it’s probably wiser to wait and see how things develop before jumping in.
This card can also suggest that there are forces outside of your control that could impede your progress, so make sure to plan ahead and be prepared for whatever may lay ahead. Ultimately, the Nine of Wands tarot card is a reminder to be mindful and patient in your decisions and to take the time to consider all of your options before moving forward.
Q1. What does the reversed Nine of Wands tarot card mean?
The reversed Nine of Wands suggests that you may be feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. You may be struggling to find the strength to continue on your path. It is a reminder to take a break, rest, and recharge your batteries before continuing on your journey.
Q2. What does the Nine of Wands tarot card represent?
The Nine of Wands represents resilience, determination, and the willingness to face challenges head-on. It signifies that you have been through some tough times, but you have not given up. You are still standing strong, and you are ready to continue defending what you believe in.
Q3. What astrological sign is the Nine of Wands tarot card associated with?
The Nine of Wands tarot card is known a as a card of resilience, perseverance, and determination. These qualities are also associated with the zodiac sign of Sagittarius, which is known for its determination to achieve its goals and its ability to bounce back from setbacks.
Additionally, the Nine of Wands tarot card and Sagittarius are connected to the fire element and share these qualities.
Q4. What are some questions to ask yourself when the Nine of Wands tarot card appears in your reading?
What are you fighting for and why?
What are the challenges or obstacles that you are facing or expecting?
How can you overcome them or prepare for them?
How do you feel about your situation and yourself?
How can you take care of yourself and your needs?
What are your boundaries and limits?
How can you balance resistance and acceptance?
Q5. What does it mean when the Nine of Wands tarot card appears in a reading with the Three of Cups tarot card?
When the Nine of Wands and the Three of Cups appear together in a reading, it suggests that you are in a period of celebration, but may be feeling hesitant or guarded due to past experiences.
The Nine of Wands can serve as a reminder to be careful and protect yourself, while the Three of Cups encourages you to enjoy the present moment and celebrate with others.
Overall, this combination suggests a balance between joy and caution, and encourages you to celebrate while remaining aware of potential challenges or risks.