The Tower Tarot Card Meaning
The Tower is a powerful tarot card representing the possibility of great change and transformation.
The burning tower and lightning often symbolize a dramatic upheaval in your external circumstances that is out of your control. This could be something like a layoff, a sudden move, or a natural disaster.
The falling crown represents the downfall of those in positions of power or the destruction of illusions and false beliefs.
The falling people give us a sense of how the chaos and loss of control feels.
The Tower tarot card can also indicate a breakthrough or overcoming a difficult life event or situation. The card serves as a reminder that no matter how much we try to hold on to the status quo, change is inevitable and often beyond our control.
The Tower can also represent a revolution or uprising, where the oppressed are able to come together and reclaim their power.
In a reversed position, The Tower tarot card suggests that the drama is over and it’s time to pick up the pieces and move forward. It encourages us to let go of the issues and emotions that caused the destruction and focus on the opportunities that come with a fresh start.
No matter how daunting or destructive the Tower experience might seem, it also carries a message of hope. It encourages us to embrace the change, focus on our strength and resilience, and be open to all the possibilities that a new beginning can bring.
Quick Guide to The Tower Tarot Card
Keywords Upright | Unexpected change, upheaval, destruction, breakthrough, challenging life event |
Keywords Reversed | Resistance, fear of change, calm after the storm, rebuilding |
Yes or No | Neither |
Zodiac Sign | n/a |
Planet | Mars |
Element | Fire |
The Tower Upright
The Upright Tower tarot card is a powerful symbol of upheaval and transformation. In readings, it often indicates that something has to end before something new and better can begin. It can refer to a job, relationship, financial situation, or any other area of life that is undergoing drastic change.
The Tower can also represent the need to confront and accept difficult truths. While uncomfortable and even painful, this is ultimately a necessary process before one can move forward.
Often, The Tower tarot card symbolizes dramatic changes that can’t be avoided and will require courage, strength, and resilience to navigate. But with the Tower comes an opportunity for growth, learning, and new beginnings.
It can be a sign that the status quo needs to be shaken up and that it’s time to let go of a negative situation and create something better. It can also represent a sudden burst of insight that leads to an epiphany or life-changing decision.
The Tower tarot card can indicate that existing structures and beliefs are being torn down to make way for something new and unexpected.

The Tower Reversed
The meaning of The Tower tarot card reversed is a testament to the power of transformation and renewal. It suggests that, no matter how difficult the situation or how uncertain the future may seem, it’s possible to emerge from the darkness and start anew.
The Tower reversed can be seen as a sign of hope and a reminder that, even in times of great upheaval, change can be a blessing in disguise.
The hard times are over and you are now free to focus on your future. The Tower tarot card can suggest a period of much-needed rest and recuperation, or a chance to explore new options and perspectives.
This card reversed can also be a sign that you are avoiding letting go of old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you. It’s an invitation to learn from the past, forgive yourself, and move forward with a new sense of purpose.
The Tower reversed can signify a breakthrough moment, a time when you can break free from the chains of the past and embrace a new journey. As you do, the Tower reversed will be a beacon of light, guiding you towards your destiny.
When The Tower Shows up in a Love Reading
When The Tower tarot card shows up in a love reading, it can be a jarring experience that is often associated with unexpected and unwelcome change. The Tower card typically appears when something drastic has happened in the relationship, such as a breakup, infidelity, or exposed secrets.
As harsh as this card can be, it is often a sign that it was necessary for the relationship to end in order to make way for something better in the future.
The Tower tarot card can also be a sign of reconciliation when a relationship ends on bad terms. The destruction that The Tower symbolizes can be seen as a chance to rebuild and start anew, with the lessons learned from the previous relationship.
It can be an indication that both parties have had a chance to grow and heal individually, and to come together again with a fresh start.
In any case, The Tower encourages us to look at change as an opportunity for growth and a chance to create something even stronger and more meaningful in the future. It is a reminder to have faith in the process, no matter how difficult it can be in the moment.
When The Tower Shows up in a Career/Money/Finance Reading
When The Tower tarot card shows up in a career, money, or finance reading, it can be a sign that it is time to let go of something that is no longer serving you and to make room for something new and better.
The Tower indicates major upheaval, but it can also indicate a necessary new beginning. For example, if you’ve been stuck in a job that no longer gives you joy or satisfaction, The Tower can be a sign that it is time to let go and move on to something new.
It can also indicate that a big change is coming your way, such as a promotion or a new job offer.
The Tower tarot card also suggests a shake-up of old ways of thinking and doing things. It can be a sign that an outdated system or habit needs to be re-evaluated and, if necessary, replaced with something that is more in line with your values and goals.
For example, if you’re feeling stuck in a financial rut, The Tower can indicate that it is time to take a fresh look at your budget and spending habits and make adjustments that can help you better manage your money.
The Tower tarot card can be a sign to take a risk and try something new. It can signify that the time is right to invest in yourself and your career, whether that’s through a new skill, a business idea, or a job switch. Don’t be afraid to take a chance and see where it leads. It may be the catalyst for a whole new chapter of your life.
When The Tower Shows up in a Health Reading
When The Tower tarot card shows up in a health reading, it can suggest a period of rapid transformation and healing. This card can refer to a sudden change in lifestyle or sudden lifestyle changes that have to be made in order to improve one’s health.
For example, it can represent a wake-up call to start taking better care of yourself, or a sudden realization that you need to prioritize your health. It can also signify new treatments or therapies that can help you get your health back on track.
The Tower tarot card can also indicate a period of intense healing as you confront and release any underlying issues that are impacting your health and well-being. Ultimately, The Tower card encourages us to embrace change and to trust that even the most difficult of life’s challenges can be overcome with resilience and courage.
When The Tower Shows up in a Yes or No Reading
It is not recommended to use The Tower tarot card for a simple yes or no tarot reading. The Tower card is a complex and nuanced card that typically represents sudden change, upheaval, and transformation. It can be a challenging and intense card, indicating that you may be facing difficult circumstances or experiencing significant changes.
Instead of asking a yes or no question, it may be more helpful to ask a question that allows for a more detailed interpretation. For example, instead of asking “Will I get the job?”, you could ask “What can I do to increase my chances of getting the job?” or “What are the potential outcomes of accepting this job offer?”.
Q1. What is The Tower Card?
The Tower card is the 16th card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck. It is often seen as representing a sudden and dramatic change, often involving a period of chaos and upheaval. The card can also represent a new beginning, a spiritual enlightenment, or a rebuilding of something that has been destroyed.
Q2. What does The Tower card mean when it is next to the Temperance card?
When The Tower card appears next to the Temperance card in a tarot reading, it can suggest that the sudden and disruptive changes represented by The Tower may be balanced and harmonized by the healing and tempering energy of Temperance.
Q3. Is The Tower tarot card always negative?
While The Tower card can be challenging and intense, it is not always negative. The card can also represent the opportunity for growth and transformation that comes with rebuilding after a crisis or upheaval.
Q4. What is the reversed meaning of The Tower tarot card?
When The Tower card is reversed, it can represent a period of stagnation, of feeling stuck, or of being unable to move forward. It can also symbolize a period of reflection, where one is taking the time to look back on past experiences and gain new perspectives. In this sense, the reversed card can represent an opportunity to go back and reassess the situation and make changes as needed.
Q5. Does The Tower tarot card always indicate a physical disaster or tragedy?
No, The Tower card does not always indicate a physical disaster or tragedy. While the card can represent sudden and dramatic change, it can also indicate internal transformation and personal growth.