Judgement Tarot Card Meaning
The Judgement tarot card typically depicts an angel sounding a trumpet while people are rising from their graves, often with a mountain or water in the background.
This imagery represents the idea of a spiritual awakening or a call to action.
This card can be interpreted as a symbol of a personal awakening, calling us to confront our past mistakes and take responsibility for our actions without blame and without losing our self-worth.
It can also represent a moment of transition or transformation, where one is able to leave behind old patterns or habits and embrace a new phase of life.
The Judgement tarot card is a call to rise up and take responsibility for your life and decisions, as well as to make the necessary changes to move forward.
This card can also represent a time of rebirth and renewal, of starting anew with a fresh sense of purpose and direction. It is a reminder that it is never too late to make changes that will benefit you and bring you closer to your desired outcome. Be sure to take the time to reflect on your choices and make sure they are aligned with the life you want to live.
In a more literal sense, the Judgement tarot card can also indicate legal or moral judgments, and the need to evaluate your decisions or actions before moving forward.
Ultimately, The Judgement card invites us to examine our beliefs, values, and choices, and to make the necessary changes to move towards a more fulfilling and authentic life path.
Quick Guide to Judgement Tarot Card
Keywords Upright | Reflection, inner calling, rebirth, judgement, evaluation |
Keywords Reversed | Delay, avoidance, procrastination, stagnation |
Yes or No | Yes, if you are willing to review your past decisions and take the necessary steps to make the changes for the better. |
Zodiac Sign | Sagittarius |
Planet | Jupiter |
Element | Fire |
Judgment Upright
The Judgement card in an upright position speaks to the idea of reflection and inner calling. It is a sign that you should take some time to review your past behavior and the choices that you have made. This is an important time for self-assessment and to see if your decisions are in line with your values and beliefs.
If you have been feeling an urge to follow a calling, Judgement indicates that it is time to take well thought out action. It is a call to action, an invitation to awaken to our true selves and become the best version of ourselves that we can be.
When the Judgement tarot card appears in a reading, it can suggest that you are going through a period of transformation and renewal. You may be leaving behind old patterns or habits that no longer serve you, and embracing a new phase of your life. This can be a challenging process, as it may involve confronting difficult truths or facing the consequences of past actions.
However, the rebirth and renewal that come with the Judgement tarot card can also be incredibly liberating. It signifies a fresh start, a chance to create a new life for oneself. The card invites the you to step into your power and take charge of your own destiny, to let go of old wounds and limitations and embrace your full potential.

Judgement Reversed
When the Judgement tarot card appears in a reading reversed, it can indicate resistance to the call to change or transform. You may be holding onto old patterns or habits that no longer serve you, and struggling to let go and move on.
You may be doubting yourself and your decisions and feel stuck in a rut. You may be so focused on the mistakes you have made in the past, or the opportunities you have missed, that you feel incapable of taking the next step. This could be influenced by a fear of of being judged or criticized by others. You may be hesitant to speak your truth or express yourself authentically for fear of how you will be perceived.
In reverse, the Judgement card can indicate a need for greater self-reflection and introspection. This is a time to reflect on how your choices impact others and where you need to take responsibility for your actions.
Don’t forget the power of the Judgement card to help you find absolution and make a fresh start. In the reversed position, it can be a wonderful guide to turning things around.
When Judgement Shows up in a Love Reading
When the Judgement tarot card shows up in a love reading, it means that a major transformation is about to take place. This could be the beginning of a new relationship, a new chapter in an already existing relationship, or a rekindling of an old flame.
In a love reading, Judgement hints that it’s time to consider what you really need in a relationship. If you’re in a relationship, the Judgement card indicates that this relationship is important for you but also speaks of the danger of not fully appreciating each other. Take time to truly connect with your partner and listen to each other’s feelings and needs.
Judgement may also be calling for a time of forgiveness. Take a look at how forgiveness is needed in order to progress or move on.
If you’re single, Judgement advises you to not just throw yourself willy-nilly into the first relationship that comes down the pike. Instead, take time for some reflection and think of what you should look for in your next relationship. Judgement also indicates that this is a time to see possibilities in a new light.
The Judgement card often appears when a decision needs to be made, or when a situation has reached a point of no return and a new path must be taken.
For example, if you and your long-term partner have been having difficulties, the Judgement card could be a sign that you need to take some time to get really honest with yourself and each other before you decide what to do next.
Alternatively, if you’ve been considering a new relationship, the Judgement card could be a sign to clear the slate for yourself first. Allow yourself to forgive others and yourself, let it all go, and open to to making a true fresh start.
When Judgement Shows up in a Career/Money/Finance Reading
When the Judgement tarot card shows up in a career reading, it can indicate that you are being watched and evaluated, so now is the perfect time to put your best foot forward and prove your worth.
If you’ve been hard at work, your efforts will likely be appreciated. It could also be a sign that you will soon be rewarded for your hard work with a promotion or raise.
If you’ve been slacking off, now is the time to pick up the slack and make sure your career isn’t negatively impacted.
Judgement can indicate an opportunity for a career change or new start of some kind coming your way. So if you’ve been considering a change, this is a good sign!
Financially speaking, the Judgement tarot card foretells new contracts and positive cash flow, however, it also warns you about impulse shopping and not to make fast judgments. Make sure to do your research before making any big purchases.
When Judgement Shows up in a Health Reading
When the Judgement tarot card shows up in a health reading, it may indicate that you are going through a period of physical or spiritual renewal. On a physical level, the card may point to recovering from an illness or injury and feeling a newfound sense of energy and vitality. Perhaps you have overcome a health challenge and are now ready to embrace a new phase of your life.
The Judgement card can also indicate that it’s time to get rid of bad habits that are having a negative effect on your overall well-being. This may involve letting go of unhealthy habits or patterns, embracing a new approach to self-care, or seeking out new resources and support systems.
The Judgement card also encourages you to take a closer look at your lifestyle and make sure that it is in line with your values. Are you eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and drinking enough water? If not, now is the time to start making changes.
If the Judgement card appears reversed in a health reading, it may suggest that you’ve been struggling to make positive changes or may have been resistant to the call to transformation. In this case, the Judgement card may be an invitation to engage in self-reflection and take proactive steps to address any underlying issues.
When Judgement Shows up in a Yes or No Reading
When Judgement shows up in a Yes or No tarot reading, it can be interpreted as a call to action, a reminder to not shy away from the hard decisions and to move forward with courage and determination.
Although Judgement is often seen as a positive card, it can also be a warning that the decisions we make today will have long-term consequences. If the other cards in the reading indicate potential troubles, then the Judgement card is a reminder that we need to be mindful and take caution.
Judgement is a card of transformation, and it can be a powerful sign that we are ready to embrace the change and growth that will come with it.
Q1. Which planet is the Judgement tarot card associated with?
In astrology, The Judgement tarot card is associated with the planet Pluto and the zodiac sign Scorpio.
Pluto is the planet of transformation, death, and rebirth, and Scorpio is known for its intense and transformative energy. Both of these symbols align with the themes of The Judgement card, which is all about personal transformation, spiritual awakening, and letting go of the old to make way for the new.
So, if you are interested in exploring The Judgement card in the context of astrology, you may want to consider how the energy of Scorpio and Pluto is showing up in your life, and how you can use this energy to embrace change and transformation.
Q2. Is The Judgement tarot card about being judged or being judgemental?
The Judgement tarot card is not specifically about being judged or being judgmental towards others. Rather, it is more focused on the idea of personal awakening, rebirth, and renewal.
The card suggests that an individual is being called to account for their past actions or decisions and to take responsibility for them. This could be interpreted as a form of judgment, but it is not necessarily about being judged by others or judging others.
Instead, The Judgement card is more about self-reflection and self-evaluation. It asks the individual to examine their beliefs, values, and choices and to make any necessary changes in order to move forward towards a more fulfilling and authentic life path.
So, while the card may touch on themes of judgment or being judgmental, its primary focus is on personal growth and transformation.
Q3. What is the significance of the Archangel Gabriel and the Judgement card?
The Archangel Gabriel is seen as a messenger angel who announces significant events. The depiction of the angel on The Judgement card, blowing a trumpet to awaken the dead and initiate a new phase of life, can be seen as representing Gabriel’s role as a messenger and herald of transformation.
In the Judgement card, he is seen as the one who will judge the souls of the dead and determine their fate. He symbolizes the power of judgement and reminds us that we will all be held accountable for our actions.
Q4. What is the significance of the dead rising from their graves on The Judgement card?
The resurrection of the dead on The Judgement card represents the idea of rebirth and renewal. It can also symbolize the idea of judgment and accountability, as the souls of the dead are rising to face judgment for their past deeds.
Q5. How does The Judgement card relate to the concept of karma?
The Judgement card can be seen as related to the concept of karma, as it suggests that our past actions and choices have consequences that will ultimately be revealed and impact our lives. The card can be a reminder that we are responsible for our own fate and that our present actions will shape our future.