Five of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

The Five of Cups tarot card is an incredibly powerful card in the Tarot deck that carries with it a message of sadness and loss. It is also a card that often appears when someone is feeling stuck in a rut, and needs to make a change or start fresh.

Rider Waite depiction of the Five of Cups tarot card. This card shows a figure cloaked in black and facing away. There are 3 overturned cups at his feet and two upright cups behind him. There a river and in front of him with a bridge in the distance and a building on the other side of the river.

This card encourages us to pick ourselves up and move on from our past disappointments. We can learn from our experiences, but we should not allow ourselves to be trapped in the past.

Five of Cups Symbolism

The Five of Cups Tarot card is a richly symbolic card, and its imagery speaks to the complex emotions associated with loss and grief. At its core, the card symbolizes the idea of letting go of what is no longer serving us, allowing us to move forward in life.

At the center of the card is a figure shrouded in darkness, representing the grief and sorrow of the situation. The figure is turned away from a series of three spilled cups, symbolizing the loss that has occurred. This figure reminds us of the need to process our grief and move forward.

The river in the background of the card symbolizes the journey we must take as we move through our emotions. The bridge crossing the river indicates that, although the path is difficult, we can make it to the other side and find peace. The castle in the distance is a reminder that there is safety and hope, even in the midst of tragedy.

The two cups that remain upright signify that, although we have experienced loss, there is still something to be found in our lives. Focusing on the good things that are still present can help put our troubling emotions into perspective.

The Five of Cups tarot card is a reminder that, although it may be difficult, we must take the time to process our emotions and let go of the things that are holding us back. By doing so, we can move on to better things.

Quick Guide to Five of Cups Tarot Card

Keywords UprightLoss, grief, regret, disappointment, sadness
Keywords ReversedAcceptance, healing, hope, new beginnings
Yes or NoNo
Zodiac SignScorpio

Five of Cups Upright

The Five of Cups is a card of loss and unmet expectations. When this card appears upright in your tarot reading, it may indicate that you are feeling regret and disappointment over a particular situation.

The Five of Cups tarot card is a powerful reminder to take a moment and process our grief and sorrow. The message is to let go of what is holding us back and to accept the loss we are feeling in order to move forward. To move past these feelings, it is important to practice forgiveness and to recognize the good things that still remain in your life.

The upright meaning of the Five of Cups tarot card is a reminder that no matter how dark the situation may seem, there will always be a light at the end of the tunnel. This card is a sign that even if we have experienced loss, sadness, and disappointment, we can still find joy and hope in our lives.

Receiving the Five of Cups upright is a sign that it is time to let go of the past and move on.

Ultimately, the Five of Cups tarot card is a reminder to take a step back and take a good look at the entire situation. It is a card of hope, as it encourages us to look for the silver lining in every situation and to have faith that things will eventually get better.

Rider Waite depiction of the Five of Cups tarot card reversed.

Five of Cups Reversed

The reversed meaning of the Five of Cups tarot card is one of hope and potential. It tells us that even though we have faced difficulties in the past, we can still find happiness and success in the future.

This card encourages us to pick ourselves up and move on from our past disappointments. We can learn from our experiences, but we should not allow ourselves to be trapped in the past. The reversed Five of Cups tarot card symbolizes a newfound confidence and courage to take risks and venture into uncharted territory.

When the Five of Cups tarot card appears reversed in a love reading, it is a sign of moving on from a past heartbreak. It is time to let go of the pain and disappointment and look to the future with optimism and open arms. You may be surprised at the new and exciting possibilities that await you.

The Five of Cups tarot card reversed in a career reading suggests that you are ready to take the next step in your professional life. It is time to let go of any self-doubt and fear and take a leap of faith. You may find yourself in a job that is better suited to your skills and talents.

In a health reading, the reversed Five of Cups can indicate that you are on the verge of overcoming a mental health issue. You are ready to take the necessary steps to start healing and improving your mental well-being. You may be feeling a sense of renewal and optimism as you take control of your mental health and focus on the present and the future.

No matter what the situation may be, when the Five of Cups appears reversed, it is a reminder that we must not be held back by the past. We must let go of the past, face our fears, and take risks to find the joy and success that we deserve.

When Five of Cups Shows up in a Love Reading

When the Five of Cups tarot card appears in a love reading, it is a sign that something has been lost. This can refer to a past relationship, or the loss of innocence when it comes to love. Whatever has been lost, the Five of Cups is a reminder to focus on what still remains.

The two standing cups represent hope and love, and it is important to open up to new experiences and relationships in order to heal and move forward.

The Five of Cups tarot card can also indicate that someone is holding onto something from the past, and that they need to let go in order to move forward. This could be feelings of resentment or sadness that are preventing them from connecting with new love.

It is important to look at the issue objectively and be honest about what needs to be let go in order to open up to a new relationship.

The Five of Cups can also indicate that there are some unresolved issues that need to be addressed. This could be from a past relationship, or from a current one. It is important to be honest and open about any issues that are causing distress, and to seek support from a trusted friend or therapist if needed.

The Five of Cups is a powerful reminder that we need to make peace with what has been lost in order to move forward. It is a sign that we have the strength and courage to accept our losses, and to open ourselves up to new love.

The Five of Cups trot card suggests that now is the time to let go of old baggage and make space for new experiences. It is a positive sign that the Universe has a plan for us and that we can trust in its timing.

Everything happens for a reason, and we can eventually look back on this period of our life with gratitude for the lessons we have learned.

When Five of Cups Shows up in a Career/Money/Finance Reading

When the Five of Cups tarot card shows up in a career, money, or finance reading, it can suggest that there may have been a setback or a missed opportunity that is preventing you from achieving your financial and professional goals.

This card can also be a reminder to take risks in order to find success. It’s important to be open minded and to trust your intuition when making financial decisions.

In a career context, the Five of Cups tarot card can indicate that it’s time to move on from a comfortable but unfulfilling job. This doesn’t necessarily mean quitting without a backup plan—rather, it suggests looking for a new opportunity that will provide both financial stability and a sense of fulfillment. It is time to detach oneself from the humdrum routine and work on your self-improvement strategies.

The Five of Cups tarot card may also be a reminder to be discerning in what you go after, and to prioritize long-term gratification over short-term desires.

In a money reading, the Five of Cups can suggest that you may need to let go of your attachment to material possessions in order to find financial success. This doesn’t mean that you should give up all your possessions, but rather that you should be open to new opportunities and willing to take risks.

Trust that even if you experience some losses along the way, you will eventually find financial stability and abundance.

The Five of Cups tarot card also serves as a reminder that money isn’t everything. It’s important to find balance between material wealth and other sources of satisfaction, such as meaningful relationships and a sense of purpose.

Even in the face of financial difficulties, the Five of Cups reminds us that we have the resources and determination to achieve our goals.

When Five of Cups Shows up in a Health Reading

When the Five of Cups appears in a health reading, it is a reminder of the power of resilience. This card suggests that despite any losses or setbacks, you have the strength to overcome them. It is a sign of hope and encouragement, reminding us that whatever our current situation, we can find the courage to keep going.

In terms of physical health, the Five of Cups may indicate that you have experienced a physical loss or setback, such as the death of a loved one or the loss of a limb. It is a reminder to take the time to grieve and heal, while also recognizing that there are still good things in life to be enjoyed.

At the same time, the card may also suggest that you are holding onto your pain and that you need to let go in order to heal.

In terms of emotional health, the Five of Cups can suggest that you have experienced a loss, such as the end of a relationship or the loss of a job. The card encourages you to take the time to process your grief and to focus on your own healing. It is a reminder that although the loss may be difficult, there are still steps that can be taken to move forward.

Finally, the Five of Cups tarot card can also be a reminder to maintain balance in life. It is important to find a balance between work and play, between mental and physical well-being, and to ensure that we are taking care of ourselves. With the Five of Cups appearing in a health reading, we can be assured that better health is on its way.

When Five of Cups Shows up in a Yes or No Reading

In a yes or no reading, the Five of Cups tarot card is a clear no. It suggests that the answer to your question is not what you hoped for or expected, and that you may feel unhappy or dissatisfied with the outcome.

However, this card also encourages you to look at the positive aspects of your life and to learn from your mistakes. There may be new opportunities or hope waiting for you if you can change your perspective and move on from the past.


Q1. What is the traditional meaning of the Five of Cups tarot card?

The traditional meaning of the Five of Cups is often interpreted as a card of sadness, regret, and unmet expectations. As one of the Minor Arcana cards in the Tarot, this card often symbolizes the mess that is left in the wake of an emotional upheaval. It can also represent feelings of disappointment, failure, and grief, as well as the need to let go and practice forgiveness.

Q2. What is the reversed meaning of the Five of Cups tarot card?

You are ready to move forward and let go of the sadness and regret that you have been feeling. It can also mean that you are ready to accept the lessons that this situation has taught you and use them to create a brighter future. It can be a sign that you are starting to find hope again and are ready to forgive yourself and others.

Q3. How does the Five of Cups tarot card relate to relationships?

The Five of Cups can indicate a breakup or betrayal. It may also suggest that the person is feeling disappointed or unfulfilled in their current relationship.

Q4. What is the astrological association of the Five of Cups tarot card?

The Five of Cups is associated with the planet Mars in the astrological system. Mars represents energy, passion, and action, but can also signify conflict and turmoil.

Q5. What does the Five of Cups tarot card mean when it appears with the Two of Cups in a reading?

The Two of Cups represents love, partnership, and emotional connection, while the Five of Cups signifies loss and disappointment. Together, these cards suggest that the person may have experienced a painful breakup or loss of a relationship that was emotionally significant to them.

However, the presence of the Two of Cups also suggests that there is hope for a new relationship or emotional connection. It can signify the potential for healing and moving forward, especially if the person is willing to let go of their past hurt and open themselves up to new possibilities.

Overall, the combination of the Five of Cups and the Two of Cups suggests that the person is going through a difficult emotional time, but there is also the potential for new love or emotional connection in the future. The cards may be encouraging the person to work through their grief and be open to new experiences and relationships.


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