Welcome to Joyful Mystic!

Joyful Mystic is a blog dedicated to providing you with knowledge and tools to explore the mysteries and magic of the universe and yourself. Here you will find insights and guidance from tarot, astrology, numerology, metaphysics, and more. Whether you are looking for answers, inspiration, or transformation, Joyful Mystic will help you discover your life’s deeper meaning and purpose and how to gently grow through life’s challenges.

We have over 25 years of experience in the psychic and metaphysical arts and are passionate about demystifying “woo-woo” and offering ways to blend the magical and the mundane for living an extraordinary life.

Join us on this beautiful journey of self-discovery and awakening to your true potential and interconnectedness to all that is.

Dip Your Toes in the Water ...

Major Arcana image of The Fool tarot card as icon for link to Major Arcana post.

Major Arcana

The Major Arcana cards are more than just symbols. They are mirrors that reflect your inner world. They are teachers that offer you lessons. They are friends that accompany you on your journey.

The Major Arcana cards represent the major life events and spiritual themes we encounter on our journey of life. We see The Fool as both the beginning and the end. S/he represents the start of a new adventure and the completion of a cycle with a return to innocence after going through all of the archetypes of the Major Arcana.

Minor Arcana

The Minor Arcana cards represent the everyday aspects of life, such as work, relationships, emotions, and actions. They show us what is happening in our current situation and how we can influence it. They also reflect our personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and potential. 

These cards are divided into four groups called “suits”, like playing cards. The suits are: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles.

Suit of Wands icon

The Suit of Wands is all about passion, energy, and enthusiasm. At its best, the Wands Suit cards provide inspiration, passion, courage, and drive. They inspire us to follow our passion and pursue our dreams.

Tarot card Cups icon

The Suit of Cups is beneficial for exploring our feelings, desires, and connections with others. These cards can show us how we express and receive love, nurture and heal ourselves and others, tap into our intuition and imagination, and align with our soul purpose.

The Suit of Swords challenges you to be honest with yourself and others, to speak your mind clearly and confidently, and to cut through the illusions that cloud your judgment. They also encourage you to use your intellect and logic to solve problems, seek truth, and communicate respectfully.

Suit of Pentacles icon

The cards in the Suit of Pentacles show us how we can manifest our dreams and goals in the physical realm and enjoy the fruits of our labor. They also remind us to be grounded, realistic, and responsible.

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