Group of Suit of Cups tarot cards with two of cups on top

The Suit of Cups Tarot Cards

Exploring Your Emotional and Creative Potential The Suit of Cups represents the element of water, which is associated with emotions, intuition, creativity, and spirituality. The Suit of Cups is the most romantic and poetic of the four suits, and it…

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Group of Suit of Swords tarot cards with knight of swords on top

The Suit of Swords Tarot Cards

Cut Through the Illusions and Face the Truth The Suit of Swords symbolizes air, the domain of the mind, and the power of thought. These cards are all about logic, communication, analysis, and truth. They can also indicate conflict, struggle,…

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Group of Suit of Wands tarot cards with the six of wands on top

Suit of Wands Tarot Cards

Spark Your Imagination and Take Action The Suit of Wands represents the element of fire, which is hot, wild, energetic, and unpredictable. Fire has a dual nature: it can create or destroy. It can help us make food or tools, or…

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Group of Suit of Pentacles tarot cards with ace on top

The Suit of Pentacles Tarot Cards

Practical Wisdom for a Prosperous Life The Suit of Pentacles represents the earth element associated with material wealth, physical health, practical skills, and worldly affairs. The cards in this suit show us how we can manifest our dreams and goals…

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